Life Place

Prostitution is not a job which anyone deserves. Despite what many may tell you, it is not a job regardless of the physical location in which it occurs (street, brothel, massage parlor, car, private home, strip club, restaurant etc). Prostitution is inherently harmful to all those that cross its path, from the individual that is engaging in the act to the society as a whole. Those involved in Prostitution are mostly recruited from the section of society that have suffered the most setbacks in life, including being deprived of their self-respect at an early age. Many are victims of sexual abuse in their family home or rape. To be able to cope with the memories of their past hurts and the harsh work they are involved in, many turn to alcohol and drugs. The prostitute often ends up penniless, alone and either dead in a gutter from violent crime or in a hovel laying in a bed dying of an AIDS related illness. This is unless they get the help the need before it is too late. Life Place is about giving those that are trapped in the world of prostitution a lifeline to leave the business and at all it entails behind. This website will tell you all you need to know about prostitution, its harmful effects and what Doctors For Life has been doing to eradicate this practice. As well as what you can do to help us in our fight to save the men, women and children involved in prostitution.

If you are involved in any form of prostitution or know someone who is involved in prostitution, please let us help you
Helpline +27 (0) 79 046 4200 Telephone: +27 (0) 31 368 4938 Email: [email protected]

LifePlace Outreaches:

Tuesdays and Fridays: Please do confirm before going, by phoning 032 481 5550 As the correlation between prostitution and the AIDS epidemic rise steadily, Doctors For Life International (DFL) has expanded its role to include the care of abused women in South Africa ’s red light district. Through Life Place , many women and children have been re-united with their relatives, have found respectable employment and are now progressing towards living new and productive lives. One of Doctors For Life International’s key projects Operation Life Child, assists children who have been orphaned by AIDS.Operation Life Child has found that many of these children, in addition to the trauma of losing their parents, have been sexually abused, sadly most often by their own family members. This deadly combination coupled with their socio-economic status make orphans an easy target for further exploitation by the sex industry. DFL’s Life Place has rescued prostitutes as young 10 years old from the streets of Durban . Prostitutes are often drawn into the profession due to their harsh economic status. South Africa is facing a 40{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} unemployment and a HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 21.5{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4}. This indicates that many families are loosing the main breadwinner to the virus and inadequate provisions of welfare lure many by the false promises of quick money. DFL is committed to bringing the continual exploitation of vulnerable members of our society to a standstill. We plan to continue assisting men and women who want to leave the destructive and dehumanizing world of prostitution. However, public help and support is required to help turn the long list of necessary preventative measures into actions. Interested individuals and parties can partner with DFL by providing time, skills, financial support and other relevant resources that can be used to help the victims of the sex trade. Interested donors can visit the DFL website at and select “LifePlace” from the donation page to channel resources specifically towards the rehabilitation of prostitutes. DFL is registered as a non-profit organization and 100{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of the proceeds are applied to the project. Correspondence is also welcomed and can be sent to [email protected]]]>