The Late DR Paul Zuidema at Zavora Clinic, Mozambique[/caption]
Doctors For Life International is a non-governmental and registered Non-Profit making Organisation (NPO) established in 1991. We now have a growing number over 1500 members.
The members are medical doctors, specialists, dentists, veterinary surgeons, and professors of medicine from various medical faculties across South Africa and abroad, in private practice and in government institutions.
We bring together medical professionals to form a united front to uphold the following three principles:
- The sanctity of life from fertilization till death;
- Sound science in the medical profession;
- A Basic judeo-christian ethic in the medical profession.
- A credible mouth-piece to air their views
- A platform to live out their convictions in society
- Scientific arguments on important issues (e.g. abortion, cloning, euthanasia, pornography, prostitution etc.)
- Legal representation for their rights as a health professional
- The opportunity to adopt a pet topic and represent DFL in the media and on other occasions
- CPD lectures & points on medical ethics
- Involvement in action areas
- Newsletters
Doctors for Life International Executive Board Members
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Management and Finances
Our Management
Doctors For Life is managed by the Doctors For Life Executive Board and a full-time CEO, Dr Albertus van Eeden. He is assisted by about 15 full-time staff and a large group of volunteers from South Africa and other countries.Our Finances
- Doctors For Life is dependent on donations from its members and other donours, including churches and private individuals
- The finances is managed by a full-time bookkeeper and audited by an authorised financial services provider, Roberts and Chaplin in Umhlali, South Africa.