
Euthanasia deaths increased (Canada)

January 18, 2023

In the first 10 months of 2022 the number of reported assisted deaths exceeded all of last year, from 3102 to 3213 according to the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario. 13,011 assisted deaths in Ontario have been reported since euthanasia was legalised. According to the Third Annual report, from legalisation until December 31, 2021, the … Read more

Incredible numbers and figures of the transgender generation (USA)

January 18, 2023

Dr Lisa Littmann mentions Gender Dysphoria (GD) “has become a catch-all explanation” for any psychological problem and the promoted treatment is transitioning. The fact is, however, that years of professional research confirms that 85% of children, suffering from GD, over time become comfortable with their birth-given bodies. In a study conducted in Finland in 2015, … Read more

Is surrogacy safe? (USA)

January 18, 2023

Surrogacy pregnancies have an increased risk for adverse obstetric outcomes. In a study done among American woman, compared to non-surrogate pregnancies, surrogate mothers reported more complications during their surrogacy pregnancies such as hypertension, preeclampsia/eclampsia, and haemorrhaging. After the pregnancy they reported complications such as a degenerated disc, embolism, and postpartum depression. The chance of having … Read more

Potential public health consequences of liberalising cannabis legislation (South Africa)

January 18, 2023

Laws that increase access to cannabis will have public health consequences including respiratory health, traffic-related injuries, and the mental health of vulnerable populations.Evidence highlights safety concerns that cannabis causes damage to the developing brain. Cannabis use can damage the brain to such an extent, that even after years of abstinence the damage is still present … Read more

Cannabis use amongst substance use disorder patients with ADHD (South Africa)

January 18, 2023

According to a recent study published in the South African Journal of Psychiatry, Attendion Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is more common amongst patients who use cannabis than amongst patients seeking other substance abuse treatments. ADHD is a common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by early onset of impairing levels of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsiveness. The study … Read more

Cannabis exposures reported to the Poison Information Helpline (South Africa)

January 18, 2023

South Africa decriminalised the use of cannabis for private use in a Constitutional court ruling during September 2018. An observational study, of cannabis exposures reported to the Poison Information Helpline in the Western Cape. the University of Witwatersrand found that coinciding with the court ruling there was a threefold increase in cases reported to the … Read more

Abortion and Women’s Health: An evidence-based review for medical professionals of the impact of abortion on women’s physical and mental health.

November 21, 2022

Written by Dr Greg Pike, the evidence-based review “Abortion and Women’s health”, reveals the horrific impact abortion can have on the mental health of women. Key findings include: A woman who undergoes an abortion is 6 times more likely to commit suicide than a woman who gives birth A woman who undergoes an abortion is … Read more

More Funding for Suicide Prevention Among Inuit (Canada)

November 21, 2022

Natan Obed, president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and Patty Hajdu, minister of Indigenous Services, annonced on Parliament Hill in Ottawa that the canadien federal government is pouring $11 million into a national strategy aimed at preventing suicide among Inuit. The National Inuit Suicide Prevention Strategy (created in 2016) estimates suicide rates in Inuit five to … Read more

Survey: Biologists Overwhelmingly Agree that Human Life Begins at Fertilisation (UK)

November 21, 2022

A survey of 5 577 biologists in 2018 show that 96% of respondents agreed that human life begins at fertilisation. Steve Jacobs who conducted the survey said “the majority of the sample identified as: Liberal: 89% Pro-choice: 85% Non-religious: 63%” Source