LIFEalerts Special Edition

21 June 2017

Psychiatrist says transgendered men and women do not become the opposite sex

The homosexual-transgender pressure group Human Rights Campaign and other LGBTQ organisations are trying to discredit Dr. Paul R. McHugh, who was a distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University from 1975 -2001, and also one of the most respected medical and psychiatric authorities’ that debunks transgender ideology. It is an odd accusation to make against one of the most celebrated mental health professionals and researchers alive today. Dr. McHugh, who has studied transgender people for 40 years, said in an article for The Witherspoon Institute, that all such people “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify”. He also said that it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men”. Dr. McHugh, who was psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, the medical institute that had initially pioneered sex-change surgery – and later abandoned the practice – stressed that the cultural meme, or idea that “one’s sex is fluid and a matter of choice” is extremely damaging, especially to young people. The idea that one’s sexuality is a feeling and not a biological fact “is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges,” said Dr. McHugh in his article, Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme. “Think, for example, of the parents whom no one, not doctors, schools, nor even churches, will help to rescue their children from these strange notions of being transgendered and the problematic lives these notions herald.” They rarely find therapists who are willing to help them “work out their conflicts and correct their assumptions,” said McHugh. “Rather, they and their families find only ‘gender counsellors’ who encourage them in their sexual misassumptions.” There is plenty of evidence showing that “transgendering” is a “psychological rather than a biological matter,” said Dr. McHugh. “In fact, gender dysphoria – the official psychiatric term for feeling oneself to be of the opposite sex, belongs in the family of similarly disordered assumptions about the body, such as anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder. Its treatment should not be directed at the body as with surgery and hormones any more than one treats obesity-fearing anorexic patients with liposuction,” he said. In fact, at Johns Hopkins, where they pioneered sex-change-surgery, “we demonstrated that the practice brought no important benefits,” said Dr. McHugh. “As a result, we stopped offering that form of treatment in the 1970s.” In recent years, though, the notion that one’s sex is fluid has flooded the culture. It is “reflected everywhere in the media, the theatre, the classroom, and in many medical clinics,” said McHugh. It is biologically false that one can exchange one’s sex, explained McHugh. “The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people – extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of transgendered people – documents their lifelong mental unrest.” “Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers,” said McHugh. We need a public uproar for coherent science!

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 26 May 2017


USA – Kentucky on its way to become first abortion free state

Australia – Massive pro-life petition stuns in NSW parliament

Alternative Medicine

UK – Charities may have to prove complementary therapies work


No news today

IVF& Surrogacy

UK – IVF providers trading “free treatment” for egg donation

Medical Ethics

USA – Two doctors charged with FGM in US-first

USA – National Academies respond to conflict of interest claims

USA – Conscience wars intensify in the US


No news today


UK – New law wants you to register at the Post Office before watching porn

USA – Porn star wants to block porn websites to children

Same Sex Attraction

Israel – Science destroys transgender Arguments

USA – Why are so many lesbians falling pregnant?

Australia – Transgenderism is a dangerous fashion

Sexual Exploitation

South Africa – Prostitutes HIV rate 12 times higher than general norm

Substance Abuse

USA – Legalizing weed is a dangerous idea

USA – Addiction Meds Are “Substituting One Opioid for Another”


USA – Kentucky on its way to become first abortion free state

There is only one abortion clinic left in the Kentucky and Gov. Matt Bevin is working to end access to abortion in the state. EMW Women’s Clinic is in violation of regulations that mandate the clinic obtain ambulance and hospital admittance privileges from a local hospital. “The Bevin administration is working diligently to protect the health, welfare and lives of women in Kentucky,” state spokesman Doug Hogan said, adding that the regulations are not new and have been in place since 1998.

Australia – Massive pro-life petition stuns in NSW parliament

The Legislative Council of the New South Wales parliament was brought to a shocked silence as one of the largest official parliamentary petitions in its history was tabled by the Hon. Greg Donnelly. The petition with 56,559 signatures opposed the Abortion Law Reform (Miscellaneous Acts Amendment) Bill 2016. The Bill aims to “repeal offenses relating to abortion, to specify a ground of unsatisfactory professional conduct by a medical practitioner with respect to abortion, and to establish exclusion zones in order to prohibit certain behaviour near premises at which abortions are provided.” “It was much bigger than expected. I never thought we would get that many. We were really hoping to get 10,000” said petition coordinator Rebecca Gosper from Youth For Life.

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Alternative Medicine

UK – Charities may have to prove complementary therapies work

UK charities that provide complementary and alternative medicines fear losing their charitable status over possible measures that will raise the bar for proving their therapies work. “We think it’s great the charity commission is looking at this issue,” says Tracey Brown, director of the campaigning group Sense about Science.” So we’re very interested in a peer-review system using existing medical standards bodies such as the royal colleges to help the commission to evaluate.” Complementary providers argue that it’s unfair to be judged purely on evidence in mainstream medical journals, as demanded by the Good Thinking Society.

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UK – IVF providers trading “free treatment” for egg donation

The Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has announced an investigation into UK IVF clinics as women are being pressuring into donating eggs in exchange for free IVF treatment. In one case, a doctor said a Daily Mail reporter could trade her healthy eggs for cash and use the money to fund her own IVF treatment. In other instances reporters were told by nurses that an egg “isn’t a baby” and that donating gametes was “just like giving blood”. IVF pioneer Lord Robert Winston said that the women in question were “under duress” and that they “cannot appreciate the consequences of what they’re agreeing to”. “These patients are vulnerable and anxious and likely to be worried about money”, he said.

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Medical Ethics

USA – Two doctors charged with FGM in US first

In a US first, two Detroit-based Muslim doctors have been charged with carrying out female genital mutilation – a crime under federal law that carries a sentence of up life imprisonment. The doctors allegedly carried out FGM on two young girls at a small private medical clinic in Michigan in February. Both doctors are members of an Indian-Muslim community known as Dawoodi Bohra, a group known to practice FGM. The girls said that they were told they were receiving treatment for “tummy aches”. Acting US attorney Daniel Lemisch said in a statement. “The practice has no place in modern society and those who perform FGM on minors will be held accountable under federal law.”

USA – National Academies respond to conflict of interest claims

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine are strengthening their conflict of interest policy after authors of two major reports failed to disclose industry links. A 2016 review published in Plos One found that 6 out of 20 panel members of a report had one or more undisclosed reportable financial conflicts of interest. This followed a 2014 analysis by MedPage Today of a 2011 study by the Institute of Medicine on managing chronic, pain where 9 of a 19-expert panel had connections to companies manufacturing narcotic painkillers. In response to the damning reviews, The National Academies said it will now publish disclosures of conflicts of interest of the scientists who author academy reports in the documents themselves.

USA – Conscience wars intensify in the US

An article on conscientious objection in the New England Journal of Medicine has sparked outcry among conservative bioethicists. University of Pennsylvania bioethicists Ronit Stahl and Ezekiel Emanuel argue that medical societies should “declare conscientious objection unethical” and remove conscience clauses from their codes of ethics, “Objection to providing patients interventions …that the profession deems to be effective, ethical, and standard treatments…are unjustifiable”. Bioethicist Wesley Smith slammed the article, suggesting that opponents of conscientious objection want to “weaponize medicine to impose secular individualistic and utilitarian values on all of society”. Smith suggested that the article is indicative of a concerted campaign to “cleanse health care of all those who would dare to practice medicine in accord with sanctity-of-life moral viewpoints”.

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UK – New law wants you to register at the Post Office before watching porn

New regulations could make mandatory age verification a reality, forcing UK internet users to prove they are older than 18 before they’re allowed to access any adult only content, and not by just marking a tick box. Instead, those looking to access pornographic content will need to prove their age by entering their credit card details or sharing their mobile phone contract information. To make it more difficult and help to fight porn, people will also have to approve their device for porn access in person by making a trip to the Post Office. The move comes as The Digital Economy Act has finally received royal assent. This means that the controversial Act has now been ratified and will be enforced in the UK.

USA – Porn star wants to block porn websites to children

The most famous male pornography star of the year admits not only that children view his “crazy stuff,” but that the porn industry would go out of business if it were truly “adults only.” James Deen commented that “there is an ethical dilemma in porn.” One click” accessibility online is hurting children and youth. He advocates for a mandatory paywall like putting in a credit card for legal age verification to keep kids away from online pornography. You can’t just say, ‘Yes, I’m 18’, you actually have to put in something, the best you can, to create an 18 and older environment.”…-but-knows-it-will-des

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Same Sex Attraction

Israel – Science destroys transgender Arguments

A study, titled ‘The landscape of sex-differential transcriptome and its consequent selection in human adults”, was published in BMC Biology earlier this year. Science disproves the transgender claims of “gender does not match what was assigned at birth”, by uncovering 1,500 genetic differences between males & females which relate to sex organs and surprisingly to the brain, skin and heart as well. The way in which these thousands of genes replicate to make proteins in both sexes is significantly different. Stephen Stathis, a psychiatrist in Australia, is concerned that even children are over diagnosed and should undergo intensive mental screening. Walter Heyer, the author and speaker of several books and an extensive researcher went through sex-change twice and testified it changed nothing. He explains the history of gender reassignment and why we shouldn’t be so quick to push people with gender dysphoria into it. He says that Over 60{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of people who desire a sex-change are suffering from co-morbid psychological/psychiatric disorders which are often separation anxiety, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, associative disorder, personality disorders or narcissism.

USA – Why are so many lesbians falling pregnant?

The Witherspoon Institute is a research centre located in Princeton, New Jersey. Research from multiple studies and different nations find that pregnancies and abortions are doubled among homosexual men whom have impregnated a women and lesbians, than that of heterosexual peers. If one’s sexual orientation is unchangeable and supposedly “Born that way” like sex, race or ethnicity, then the high pregnancy rates among homosexuals confuse that narrative. These identities called “gay” and “lesbian” seem less clear whether they actually exist in functional reality even though they exist as political or social identities.

Australia – Transgenderism is a dangerous fashion

2GB Australian radio talk show interview recording:

John Whitehall, a professor of paediatrics at Western Sydney University has been working with children for over 50 years; he makes a few strong points backed up by scientific research. The first point he raises is that courts are consistently saying that hormone blockers are safe and reversible when in fact, the effects have been analysed and reveal a significant reduction in executive brain function. The reason so many young people are wanting to transition is because the media is giving it so much attention and Safe Schools have programs make it seem like it is something brave, courageous and fashionable to go through – and then the children get sucked into that idea which is a difficult state of mind to reverse. Dr. John’s statement is proved by a poll he did on 28 paediatricians with an accumulative experience of 931 years, who remembered only twelve such cases of which two were grossly abused sexually, for a long period. The other ten cases were suffering from co-morbid mental conditions. Today about 250 cases a year are reported. All these ideas of pushing children into transgenderism are conducted and promoted by idea logs – that is, without scientific substance or commons sense. There is, however, evidence that the vast majority of children who are a bit confused about their sexuality will orientate to the sex that they were to determined to have from 6 weeks post-conceptual age, by the time they reach puberty. Dr. Whitehall closes by exposing the dangers of the media and the courts that just go along with these idea logs without questioning them. He reviewed the court cases and mentions a case where one mother there said “I knew my child was transgender because at nine months of age he preferred the company of the opposite sex” these are the statements that are not being challenged by common sense because every nine month old child sits in a nappy and doesn’t know what’s going on.

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Sexual Exploitation

South Africa – Prostitutes HIV rate 12 times higher than general norm

More than one in three Cape Town sex workers carry on with sex after a condom breaks or slips. The same number stop and replace the condom and only 13{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} stop the sex altogether according to a research by Ferdinand Mukumbang, PhD student in HIV/AIDS Management at the University of the Western Cape. Writing in the Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine, he asked 100 prostitutes what they did within 24hours of a condom failing with more than half responding they did nothing, 25{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} going to a clinic and 3{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} taking alcohol or drugs to forget the incident. HIV prevalence among prostitutes is estimated to be 12 times greater than among general population and 40{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of Cape Town’s 7500 prostitutes were thought to be HIV positive. Prostitutes, sex partners and clients account for about 20{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of all new HIV infections.

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Substance Abuse

USA – Legalizing weed is a dangerous idea

Those pushing for legalization of marijuana constantly push the notion that it is no different than alcohol”, wrote Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He said that “extensive medical studies and the experience of nearly every human culture show that isn’t true – legalizing marijuana is a dangerous idea.” In an op-ed to the Washington Examiner he cited studies including from the National Institutes of Health that have shown that long-term marijuana use impairs the immune system, causes short-term memory loss, and has toxic properties that can result in birth defects, pain, respiratory systems damage, brain damage, and stroke. It may cause cognitive degradation, and is associated with lower test scores and lower educational attainment. It is particularly damaging to the brain development of young people. When it comes to comparing alcohol to marijuana, which pro-pot advocates often do, he said “unlike alcohol, which is broken down relatively quickly in the human body, THC, the main active chemical in marijuana, stays in the body for days and even weeks after its consumption. Equating marijuana use with alcohol consumption is uninformed and misleading. They differ in every way that counts: addictiveness, toxicity, health effects, and the risk of intoxication. All that legalization does is increase demand for the drug and cause a wide variety of unintended but predictable consequences, including more crime, not less” Spakovsky said.

USA – Addiction Meds Are “Substituting One Opioid for Another”

USA’s Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said that medications to treat opioid addiction are “just substituting one opioid for another.” His comments about run counter to years of using medications such as buprenorphine or methadone in substitution therapy, called Medicine Assisted Treatment (MAT). When he was asked about drug treatment options, Price recommended faith-based programs while showing less support for substitution therapy programs. “If we’re just substituting one opioid for another, we’re not moving the dial much,” he said. “Folks need to be cured so they can be productive members of society and realize their dreams.”

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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 10 May 2017


USA – Trump Signs Bill to Overturn Obama Rule

USA – “Lumberjacks for Life” empower pregnant and parenting students

Canada – $300 Abortion drug for free

USA – University puts abortion pills in vending machine

Alternative Medicine

Nigeria – Benefits of traditional medicine bill

Canada – Nearly eight in ten Canadians have used alternative medicines


Belgium – Catholic psychiatric hospitals ‘adjust’ view of euthanasia

IVF& Surrogacy

Singapore – Court says parents deserve children with their own genes

UK – The IVF side effect that clinics hush up

Medical Ethics

USA – FDA green-lights more 23andMe genetic tests

USA – Transplant ethics for the 21st Century

Belgium – Euthanized organ donors can shorten waitlists say doctors


No news today


Spain – Police break up international child porn chat network Philippines – Porn’s disastrous effect on our youth

Same Sex Attraction

USA – Nebraska Rejects pro-LGBT bill

Australia – Becoming transgender for attention

USA – Arguments that defeated the Pro-LGBT Bill

Sexual Exploitation

South Africa – How many men visit sex workers?

New Zealand – Tensions between street-based prostitutes and communities

Substance Abuse

USA – Protecting our children: Born addicted


USA – Trump Signs Bill to Overturn Obama Rule

The rule of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) prevented states from blocking Title X funding to abortion companies like Planned Parenthood. After the House first passed the measure, the Senate voted 50-50 for the bill. The tie vote made it so pro-life Vice-President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to approve the measure. Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said: “The resolution signed simply ensures that states are not forced to fund an abortion business with taxpayer dollars. Rather, states have the option to spend Title X money on comprehensive health care clinics that better serve women and girls.”

USA – “Lumberjacks for Life” empower pregnant and parenting students

The Pro-Life student group, Lumberjacks for Life, works to bring the culture of life to their community. In 2009, Lumberjacks for Life embarked on an exciting initiative when they became the first Pro-Life group in Texas to establish a scholarship for pregnant and parenting students. Jessica Michalowski explained, “The recipient of the scholarship can be female or male. We distribute this scholarship to someone whom we feel needs it. They choose to keep going to college while being parents. To us that is so important because it is hard to do and to balance.” Knowing that their peers recognize their struggles and support them can make a tremendous difference in a pregnant or parenting students’ decision to finish their education.

Canada – $300 Abortion drug for free

The New Brunswick government has announced it will provide the controversial abortion pill combination Mifegymiso free of charge. “By making Mifegymiso available free of charge for all New Brunswick women, our government is ensuring that financial barriers do not stand in the way of a woman’s right to choose,” said Health Minister Victor Boudreau. Surgical abortions are covered by the provincial health plan, but usually drugs are not. “This is very sad news that the region of Canada that has shown the greatest respect for life is now showing the greatest hostility to it,” said Jack Fonseca of the Campaign Life Coalition.

USA – University puts abortion pills in vending machine

A California university’s decision to make abortifacient drugs available to students via a “Wellness to Go” vending machine, has prompted criticism from pro-life and family groups. It dispenses the Plan B drug, also known as the “morning after pill” along with Advil, tampons, pregnancy tests and condoms. “Colleges and universities should be offering pregnant and parenting students options of housing, financial aid, diaper decks, and childcare instead of handing over abortion drugs,” Students for Life Executive Director Kristan Hawkins said. The “Wellness to Go” machine was the product of two years’ efforts by former student Parteek Singh. The vending machine makes the California university one of about four campuses nationally to offer similar emergency contraception.

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Alternative Medicine

Nigeria – Benefits of traditional medicine bill

The President of the Nigerian Council of Physicians of Natural Medicine, Prof Magnus Adeyemihas has said that traditional medicine practitioners have been waiting for regulatory laws for over two decades. A new Bill, when passed, will address regulation, quackery, advertising and qualifications and will also open a new vista for traditional/complementary medicine, including foreign exchange. A significant subject that the bill will address is the issue of the intellectual property rights. The systemic failure of not properly acknowledging persons, traditions and practices of communities where they originated will be addressed by the bill.

Canada – Nearly eight in ten Canadians have used alternative medicines

More and more Canadians are using complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) and therapies such as massage, yoga, acupuncture and chiropractic care, and they’re using them more frequently, finds a new survey by Nadeem Esmail, Fraser Institute senior fellow and co-author of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The updated survey of 2,000 Canadians finds more than three-quarters of Canadians, 79 per cent, have used at least one CAM or therapy sometime in their lives. That’s an increase from 74 per cent in 2006 and 73 per cent in 1997, when two previous similar surveys were conducted.

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Belgium – Catholic psychiatric hospitals ‘adjust’ view of euthanasia

One of the last substantial barriers of euthanasia cases for non-terminally-ill psychiatric patients in Belgium seems to have crumbled. In a statement posted on their website the Brothers of Charity explain, “We take seriously unbearable and hopeless suffering and patients’ requests for euthanasia. On the other hand, we do want to protect lives and ensure that euthanasia is performed only if there is no more possibility to provide a reasonable perspective to treat the patient”. Euthanasia for psychiatric patients has already happened dozens of times in Belgium. But from now on it will probably be easier for people suffering from schizophrenia, personality disorders, depression, autism, or loneliness to access it.

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Singapore – Court says parents deserve children with their own genes

A court ruled that parents have a strong interest in genetic affinity with their children in a decision regarding a couple who had their gametes mixed up with a donor sperm when undergoing IVF with Singaporean company Thompson Medical. While the court was careful not base the decision on the controversial notion of “wrongful birth”, it did acknowledge the parents had a strong interest in being genetically related to their children, and Thomson Medical had violated this interest. Thomson was ordered to pay damages – including 30{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of the child’s upkeep costs till 21. Ethicist G. Owen Schaefer from the National University of Singapore said the decision may have far-reaching implications for future cases involving negligence and assisted reproduction.

UK – The IVF side effect that clinics hush up

Doctors are legally obliged to report “severe” cases of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), when IVF drugs cause women’s ovaries to expand dangerously. In one year, clinics reported just 16 cases but there had been almost 700 emergency hospital admissions for the condition and at least four women died. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Chairman Sally Cheshire said they are “very concerned” fertility doctors might be under-reporting and MPs called for a legislation overhaul to protect women. IVF expert Dr John Parsons, retired consultant at King’s College Hospital, said: “The definition of ‘severe’ is so vague. If the HFEA wants a true picture of OHSS it should insist that clinics report all cases when the patient has to be hospitalized.”

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Medical Ethics

USA – FDA green-lights more 23andMe genetic tests

The US Food and Drug Administration will allow genetic testing company 23andMe to market tests for 10 serious disease and conditions, in a move that marks an about-face on the 2013 moratorium. The screening services are the first direct-to-consumer tests authorized by the FDA that provide information on an individual’s genetic predisposition to medical diseases or conditions. While some have welcomed the FDA approval, others are wary of direct-to-consumer genetic testing. Speaking with the New York Times, James Beck, chief scientific officer of the Parkinson’s Foundation, said the decision set a dangerous precedent for the disclosure of information without prior genetic counseling. “Once you get the test and read the results, there is no going back,” Dr. Beck said.

USA – Transplant ethics for the 21st Century

Bioethicists Arthur Caplan and Duncan Purves explore the novel ethical questions arising from the “quiet revolution” in human organ transplantation in the Journal of Medical Ethics. New techniques include uterus, penis and larynx transplantations, and soon, attempts to transplant testicle, ovary and fallopian tubes. “Novel forms of transplantation carry with them all of the risks of reconstructive surgery like death from anesthesia and post-surgery complications like infection, but also increase the risk of infection because they rely on immunosuppressives, with long-term cancer risk and organ failure. Because the threat to quantity of life is so great in the transplant context, special attention must be paid to ensure that the expected improvements in quality of life are sufficient to outweigh it.”

Belgium – Euthanized organ donors can shorten waitlists say doctors

Belgian physicians argue in JAMA that encouraging organ donation after euthanasia will reduce organ waitlists. An estimated 10.1{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of all patients undergoing euthanasia could potentially donate at least 1 organ. However, they acknowledge that this novel method has its limitations. Patients need to agree to donate their organs and have to die in hospital settings, while people prefer to die at home. Organ donation after euthanasia, they say, is only allowed in Belgium and the Netherlands, and is uncommon, but it may be happening in Canada as well. The article does not take into account the type of patient who undergoes euthanasia. But if euthanasia becomes common for psychiatric conditions younger patients might expand the pool of organs.

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Spain – Police break up international child porn chat network

An international law enforcement crackdown on a network that allegedly distributed child pornography via popular online chat application WhatsApp resulted in the arrests of over three dozen people in 10 countries. The network operated some 100 chat groups with 135 identified users in Europe, Central and South America, a statement issued by Spanish police said. Files retrieved during an investigation conducted in coordination with Interpol and Europol depicted images of children up to 8 years old being brutally abused. Steven Wilson, head of Europol’s European Cybercrime Center, told the Associated Press that Spanish police discovered a group of individuals using closed groups in the chat application to distribute the pornographic material. Police had intercepted 360,000 files so far.

Philippines – Porn’s disastrous effect on our youth

The Philippine Commission on Population discovered from respondent’s data that pornography is driving the youth toward earlier sexual activity. With the country experiencing rising rates of teenage pregnancy plus an alarming increase in HIV infections, policymakers would do well to incorporate a serious, intensified crackdown on pornography in their programs. Studies across the world have shown the numerous negative consequences of porn use – addiction, sexual dysfunction, destruction of marital relations, escalation to more violent and degrading forms of pornography, and contribution to worldwide human trafficking. Pornography is a $97-billion industry, $3 billion of which is revenue from child pornography. The Philippines still has cinemas that specialize in porn films while the most popular magazine is a soft-porn publication.

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Same Sex Attraction

USA – Nebraska Rejects pro-LGBT bill

Nebraska joined 14 other states and 70 cities that rejected the LB 173 bill that would add ‘’sexual orientation’’ and ‘’gender identity’’ to the state’s employment non-discrimination laws. According to the Liberty Counsel that rejected the bill, it has only been used to demand lawsuits and actions that target and criminalise anyone who is against homosexuality. While it is wrong to force homosexuals into intimate situations with the opposite sex, it is also wrong to force people to deny their moral convictions on human sexuality. Despite pressure from the LGBT lobby, a group called Mass Resistance went from town to town across the state, educating citizens and business owners about the bill. The legislative leadership got the message and stopped it.

Australia – Becoming transgender for attention

One of Australia’s top gender experts, psychiatrist Stephen Stathis, said that he had concerns that teens are over diagnosed as transgender. Adolescents are ‘’trying it out to be transgender’’ to stand out or gain attention from their peers. Dr. Stephen said one child said ‘’Dr. Steve … I want to be transgender, it’s the new black’’ Before he prescribes hormone-blockers, Stathis requires children and adolescents to undergo intensive mental-health screenings with multiple psychiatrists. They also must show that they have “socially transitioned” to their preferred gender for at least six months.

USA – Arguments that defeated Pro-LGBT Bill

This article link has an audio attached of a US Senate Committee hearing where Mass Resistance Colorado and other Pro-family groups expressed very strong arguments that got Colorado bill, H17-1156, rejected. The bill is part of a big push by the radical LGBT lobby in state legislatures across the country. It would deny needed therapy for children who were sexually molested or had unwanted homosexual or transgender psychological issues. Doctor Robyn Patterson representing Colorado Mass Resistance testified to schools having asked 11 year old children to self identify their sexual orientation and gender perception for posters that would hang outside the classroom in the passage. Another classroom had links to graphic porn including bestiality and orgies embedded in social study lessons. A 12 year old child was exposed to an art lesson with stick figures depicting men in sexual poses to show children about homosexual practises and promote the concept of promiscuity as ‘’an act of friendship and love’’. Who will teach these children the truth about promiscuity and that it’s a one way trip to contracting a variety of sexually transmitted diseases? All this was done without informing the parents and blocking any attempt to give therapy to children who might need it after being exposed to such graphic material.

The Colorado schools were found to knowingly distribute obscene content that welcomed BDSM play to children, instructions for DIY sex toys and links to hardcore porn through online information services such as Elton B. Stephens Co (EBSCO). The National Centre on Sexual Exploitation recently named EBSCO to its Dirty Dozen list as a major contributor to the sexual exploitation of women and children. Megan Molaneric a sexual abuse survivor said everyone would agree that children struggling with anger, loneliness, depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD or any kind of mental disturbance or unwanted desires should be able to seek help. Most children who seek help for unwanted same-sex attractions are victims of sexual abuse, rape or over-exposure to pornography. She said that when she was raped at 7 years old by her 9 year old cousin (whom she believes was also molested) she struggled with unwanted and all types of sexual desires and PTSD symptoms.

The United States Department of Justice stated that more than 62,000 children were sexually abused in 2012 alone and has estimated that these numbers have gone up every year since. Drew Patterson testifying as a concerned father pointed out that the LGBT community has demanded that society and the government stay out of their relationships, homes and bedrooms. Society has largely done so, now it seems that the LGBT lobby is doing the very thing it asked society not to do. He said the LGBT community is interfering with the most important relationship, that between a parent and their child. Parents alone have the right in consultation with their child’s physician to determine the right method and course of any suggested therapy. It’s not for the LGBT movement or the government to attempt to deny any form of treatment recommended by a licensed professional. It was pointed out that the Bill only supports therapy in favour of LGBT transition and not for a child that wishes to go in the opposite direction.

Click link for audio:

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Sexual Exploitation

South Africa – How many men visit sex workers?

The Citizen reports that a Johannesburg sex worker makes between R3 000 and R4 000 a month, charging R100 for straight sex. An Advocacy group estimates that there are between 31 000 and 94 000 sex workers in Gauteng, with the majority being black South African women and a significant percentage from Zimbabwe. The Cheating website found that 80{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of men will book a sex worker for one hour to “get it over and done with as quickly as possible”. And 50.1{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of men find the experience unsatisfying because the prostitute “lacked enthusiasm”, while 26.3{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} said the escort was less attractive than her picture suggested.

New Zealand – Tensions between street-based prostitutes and communities

Better understanding tensions between street-based prostitutes and communities are part of a new study by Associate Professor Gillian Abe of the University of Otago, Christchurch, into the impact of decriminalization on the country. Research carried out before decriminalization found 57 per cent of street-based prostitutes surveyed said they started before age 18. Fewer than 10 per cent of this group reported being forced into prostitution, compared to 2 per cent of those over 18 years. Many young prostitutes pay minders, boyfriends or pimps a portion of their money. The Lottery Commission funded research will look at the relationship between prostitutes and their pimps and whether coercion to work happens.

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Substance Abuse

USA – Protecting our children: Born addicted

Treating an infant born addicted to the drugs its mother was using was a rare occurrence 20 years ago. Dr. John Chan, head of Conemaugh Medical Centre’s neonatal/prenatal medicine unit, has watched the number of drug-addicted babies grow from a few a year to several each week. “Every year we’re going up,” he said. A statewide analysis by the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council found that hospital stays for newborns diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) rose 870 percent between 2000 and 2015, increasing from 1.6 to 16.0 per 1,000 neonatal stays. A lot of these babies are born to mothers addicted to methadone, a drug often given to them as a substitute to heroin. Methadone substitution therapy has become ever more controversial, especially in countries like Scotland where studies have indicated millions of taxpayer pounds are spent “parking” heroin addicts on free methadone treatment with little positive results. This comes at a time when celebrities and pro-drug lobbying groups are pushing to decriminalize/legalise drugs across the world with much being said about ‘the drug addicts rights’ while touting that using drugs is a private matter. Babies being dumped into addiction while still in the mothers’ womb clearly show it is not a private matter. What about the rights of these children? The question that should be asked is whether government should stand back while reckless parents force their own children into the hell of drug abuse right from the outset. Moreover, should governments encourage this behavior by providing free methadone to mothers?

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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 13 April 2017


USA – National Right to Life Academy empowers pro-life students

USA – Abortionist: Was baby born alive? It depends ‘who’s in the room’

USA – Trump cuts funding to UN agency over forced abortion support

Alternative Medicine

No news today


No news today

IVF& Surrogacy

India – Will government ban commercial surrogacy?

Medical Ethics

UK – Three-parent babies green-lighted in UK

USA – When stem cell treatments go wrong, they really go wrong

USA – Should a human-pig chimera be treated as a person

Cambodia – Country bans exports of breast milk to US


UK – Pedophiles use online techniques to hide child pornography


Canada – Child sex doll trial raises issue of what constitutes child porn

USA – Iowa House passes bill criminalizing ‘revenge porn’ USA – Bill to allow parents to sue pornographers

USA – Anti-porn group wants obscenity laws vigorously enforced

Same Sex Attraction

USA – The Homosexual Kingdom is falling apart

USA – Ratings flop as people keep rejecting homosexual programs

USA – Homosexual attorney parts with LGBT community

USA – Consequences of a ‘’third gender’’ called nonbinary

Sexual Exploitation

USA – New Michigan legislation aims to help victims of human trafficking

South Africa: 15 Child Trafficking Cases Detected At OR Tambo Airport

USA – New Legislation to Decrease Online Sex Trafficking

South Africa – The Human Trafficking Act: Is it doing the job?

Substance Abuse

USA – Attorney General Jeff Sessions says marijuana not the answer USA – Preferred Drug List Policies May Affect Methadone Overdose Rates


USA – National Right to Life Academy empowers pro-life students

Over a five week program, pro-life students learn from the foremost leaders in the pro-life movement about abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, Planned Parenthood, legislative strategy, lobbying, politics, communication, grassroots organizing, social media and more. Graduates of the program are currently working for state pro-life groups, starting local right-to-life chapters, aiding in the efforts of crisis pregnancy centers and bringing a pro-life perspective to their workplaces in the medical, legal, and social work fields. Notable graduates include John Seago, the legislative director for Texas Right to Life. John was instrumental in the passage of the Texas pro-life omnibus bill HB-2.

USA – Abortionist: Was baby born alive? It depends ‘who’s in the room’

A new undercover video comes the day after Centre for Medical Progress head David Daleiden and co-investigator Sandra Merritt were charged with 15 felonies in California. Dr. DeShawn Taylor, previous Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of Arizona and long-time abortion provider at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, speaks candidly to undercover investigators at a networking conference. One investigator asked if there’s “any standard procedure for verifying signs of life” after an abortion. Taylor replied, “Well, the thing is, I mean the key is, you need to pay attention to who’s in the room, right?”

USA – Trump cuts funding to UN agency over forced abortion support

The Trump administration has withdrawn U.S. funding from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its participation in China’s forced abortion regime. “This determination was made based on the fact that China’s family planning policies still involve the use of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization,” according to the state department. “We want to thank the Trump administration,” said Stephen Phelan, Director of Mission Communications for Human Life International. “This is wonderful news both for the people in China who are most vulnerable – the women and babies.” Now, $32.5 million, instead of going to the UNFPA, will go to a US Agency for International Development (USAID) account for “family planning and reproductive health.”

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Alternative Medicine

No news today

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No news today

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India – Will government ban commercial surrogacy?

The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has released a draft bill regulating the controversial surrogacy industry. The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016 proposes a complete ban on commercial surrogacy, a huge blow to the rapidly growing industry. It also restricts the clients of surrogate mothers to Indian citizens residing in India who are married but infertile; unmarried couples, single parents, and homosexuals would not be eligible. Only altruistic surrogacy will be allowed and clients would only be able to compensate women for their expenses. The surrogate must also be a close relative of the commissioning couple. The government would become more involved with the creation of a National Surrogacy Board and surrogacy boards in the states as well.

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Medical Ethics

UK – Three-parent babies green-lighted in UK

The government has given a license to Newcastle University to create three-parent embryos to combat mitochondrial diseases. Sally Cheshire, chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) said the decision represented a culmination of years of hard work by researchers, clinical experts, and regulators. But Mark Bhagwandin, of the charity ‘Life’ said they had hoped the HFEA would have listened to the thousands of people who expressed concern about three parent embryos but it approved a procedure which will alter the human genome. It is at least reckless and irresponsible given that we have absolutely no idea what the long term consequences will be of us interfering with the human genome.

USA – When stem cell treatments go wrong, they really go wrong

Three elderly women in Florida have been blinded by an unproven treatment, as a reminder of how dangerous stem cell therapies can be. The New England Journal of Medicine reports the women signed up for a purported clinical trial in 2015, for which they paid US$5,000. Within a week, they experienced vision loss, detached retinas and hemorrhage. Before the surgery, their vision ranged from 20/30 to 20/200. They are now blind. The article is a “call to awareness for patients, physicians and regulatory agencies of the risks of this kind of minimally regulated, patient-funded research,” said co-author Jeffrey Goldberg, of Stanford University School of Medicine. “There’s no excuse for not designing a trial properly and basing it on preclinical research.”

USA – Should a human-pig chimera be treated as a person

In an article in Quartz, Oxford ethicist Julian Savulescu says human-pig chimeras may be capable of feeling pain and potentially engage in higher cognitive functions and should be assessed against the criteria of personhood. Case Western Reserve University bioethicist Insoo Hyun is critical of assumptions underpinning the idea of “chimera personhood” and wrote in Plos Biology that it is entirely unclear what types of new psychological characteristics could count to elevate the moral status of a research animal above where it currently is, so that its scientific use would no longer be morally acceptable. And Executive director of the Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy Neuroscientist Lori Matthews says we should place these ethical questions within the context of ongoing animal rights “abuses”.

Cambodia – Country bans exports of breast milk to US

A Utah company has been shipping breast milk to American mothers (and possibly some body builders) but Cambodian authorities say that the business endangers the health of babies. UNICEF is adamantly opposed to the sale of breastmilk by poor women in developing countries. “Breast milk banks should never be operated by exploiting vulnerable and poor women for profit and commercial purposes,” Iman Morooka, of UNICEF in Cambodia said. “Breast milk could be considered as human tissue, the same as blood, and as such its commercialization should be banned. Malnutrition remains a threat to children’s wellbeing in Cambodia, and proper breastfeeding is one of the key factors contributing to a child’s good health and nutrition.”

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UK – Pedophiles use online techniques to hide child pornography

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) says that pedophiles of higher technical knowledge are using techniques that make detecting and removing child pornography more difficult. ‘’Masking’’ and ‘’breadcrumbing’’ allows pedophiles to follow a series of secret clues that hide behind what looks like legitimate blog sites, news sites and even fake 404 error pages which takes them to the site that holds the abusive material. In 2016, 1,572 websites were found using these methods, a 112{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} increase since 2015 when only 743 sites were identified. In 2013, only 353 websites were using this method. The IWF wants internet companies and large business to work with them to address this. Suspected child pornography can anonymously be reported through the IWF website.

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Canada – Child sex doll trial raises issue of what constitutes child porn

The sex doll at the heart of a trial in Newfoundland that has made global headlines meets the definition of child pornography, according to a forensic psychiatrist. Dr. Peter Collins testified in provincial court in St. John’s that the doll is the size of a prepubescent child without sexually mature characteristics. Collins explained that the doll was advertised for sexual use and that such items appeal to the “pedophiliac subculture” and is meant “to be fantasized as a prepubescent child.” Key issues include whether the case constitutes child pornography if no actual child was involved. It also raises the limits of free expression and whether laws have become outmoded by technology such as animated sex acts.

USA – Iowa House passes bill criminalizing ‘revenge porn’ Iowa would become one of a growing number of states seeking to criminalize “revenge pornography” which includes dissemination, distribution, publishing or posting of sexually graphic images of individuals without the persons consent, under a bill advanced by the House. “Disseminating someone’s nude image is a destructive invasion of their privacy that can cause irreversible harm to a person’s physical and emotional well-being, reputation and security,” according to the bill’s floor manager, Rep. Greg Heartsill. If approved, Iowa would become the 35th state with legislation aimed at preventing the spread of non-consensual pornography. USA – Bill to allow parents to sue pornographers A new law in Utah will soon open the door to lawsuits against pornographers. Utah will be the first state in the country to allow parents to file a lawsuit according to State Senator, Todd Weiler. This comes one year after the state declared pornography a public health crisis. The bill gives parents a chance to prove porn damaged their children emotionally or psychologically. The bill also provides a way for the porn industry to avoid liability. They must be able to prove that they warned their customers that porn can be harmful and that they made a good effort to verify the age of the child/person watching porn, Weiler continued.

USA – Anti-porn group wants obscenity laws vigorously enforced

The National Centre on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), a leading anti-pornography organization is recommending that Attorney General Jeff Sessions “vigorously enforce” anti-obscenity laws. NCOSE, which recently published its annual “Dirty Dozen” list of corporations like Comcast which profit from pornography states that child sexual abuse, pornography, sex trafficking, sexual violence, and prostitution overlap and reinforce one another. The placement of social conservatives in key positions throughout the Republican administration has given hope to NCOSE and other pro-family activists that the federal government will more aggressively prosecute sex traffickers and major hard-core pornographers.

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Same Sex Attraction

USA – The Homosexual Kingdom is falling apart

In both Maine and Canada incidents occurred where a school and university celebrated diversity by raising the LGBT flag. However, transgender students burned the flag and tore it down saying it would embarrass other transgender students. A homosexual-activist wrote in a much criticised column that LGBs and Ts must go their separate ways. He said that they no longer work towards the same goals because members of the transgender community are working against their biology by changing who they are physically, whereas homosexual women and men are not trying to be anybody but themselves that prefer same sex relationships. Feminists also feel that they are being eclipsed by transgender issues with one saying that changing sex does not turn men into ‘’real women’’.

USA – Ratings flop as people keep rejecting homosexual programs Even though Disney experimented with homosexual scenes in a remake of ‘Beauty & the Beast’, recent ratings flopped for a miniseries called ‘When We Rise’ which is all about the homosexual rights revolution. This confirms that people are shunning pro-homosexual programming. Despite the miniseries receiving full ad coverage, having star-studded actors and opening to positive reviews, the ratings were among the lowest of the big four networks (CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC). The Advocate magazine expressed their sorrow for the lack of interest in LGBTQ programming and urged everyone to watch.

USA – Homosexual attorney parts with LGBT community

Joseph Murray is an attorney and administrator for LGBTrump, a pro-Trump homosexual group. As a member of the LGBT community he disagrees with homosexual scenes in ‘Beauty & the Beast’. He wrote: “Why do we have to expose our kids to such mature themes? Do they not have plenty of time to grow up? Or maybe the point is to make them grow up too soon and that is where I part ways with my community.” Disney’s vision to entertain children was to give them hope and optimism, and allow them to enjoy their innocence for as long as the world would permit. Murray writes that providing “affirmation” is a poor argument for subjecting kids to adult “gay” themes.

USA – Consequences of a ‘’third gender’’ called nonbinary

California licenses and birth certificates could have a ‘’third gender’’ check-box called ‘nonbinary’ added to documents. Senate Bill 179 would remove the requirement for making the status known of transgender people, and whether or not they have undergone body-changing surgeries or hormone therapy. Pro-family group warned if this bill becomes law, children would be lied to about nature, health and led to believe its fine to cut off their healthy body parts. It would also make it harder for police to identify criminals and easier for criminals to commit identity fraud. Imagine the arrest of a biological male whose license says ‘nonbinary’ and how it will confuse the courts and police.

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Sexual Exploitation

USA – New Michigan legislation aims to help victims of human trafficking Human trafficking victims will get help rebuilding their lives after house members unanimously approved a bill that could forgive prostitution related offenses victims were forced to commit, even if they have a prior conviction. Republican Bronna Kahle says the bill would make them eligible for parole and deferral instead of jailing them so that they have a chance to become productive members of society. Victims now are only eligible for one-time deferred sentences for certain charges the victim was forced to commit if all conditions of probation have been met. It also only applies to victims who have had no previous convictions.

South Africa – 15 Child Trafficking Cases Detected At OR Tambo Airport

According to Malusi Gigaba, the previous Minister of Home Affairs, a total of 15 cases of human trafficking have so far been reported and stopped at OR Tambo International Airport.

USA – New Legislation to Decrease Online Sex Trafficking

Congresswomen Ann Wagner proposes a bill that lifts barriers preventing efforts to seek justice against online facilitators of sex trafficking. In 2011 the state Attorney General said many cases of sex trafficking of children are directly related to the posting of ads on In October 2016 after a three-year investigation Backpage CEO Carl Ferrer was arrested for pimping and conspiracy to commit pimping related to its website, though he was not convicted. This website is being protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The National Centre on Sexual Exploitation calls on Congress to swiftly pass the Wagner bill which removes immunities from sex trafficking websites. It’s time for Congress to stand with the victims of sex trafficking, not the tech companies that want immunity for sex trafficking or prostitution that happens on their platforms.

South Africa – The Human Trafficking Act: Is it doing the job?

Here’s the good news following the implementation of new legislation according to Major Carin Holmes of the Salvation Army’s Anti-Trafficking Unit – “we’re getting there….It’s taking a while to get momentum going…. But it’s better than it was.” The Salvation Army doesn’t have capacity to set up safe houses for victims of human trafficking, so most often they function as a liaison – offering advice, contacting authorities and referring victims to relevant NGOs. “We’ve got a helpline 24/7. People phone, tell us their story, and what we do depends on what’s on the other side,” explains Holmes. There are 30,000 children in slavery in South Africa annually and 45,000 children in prostitution.

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Substance Abuse

USA – Attorney General Jeff Sessions says marijuana not the answer

In a statement Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the only way to end the heroin crisis was through tactical criminal enforcement, better treatment options and stronger prevention efforts, not by offering addicts something that’s “only slightly less awful,” like legal marijuana. He said that medical use of marijuana has “been hyped, maybe too much.” “I realize this may be an unfashionable belief in a time of growing tolerance of drug use. But too many lives are at stake to worry about being fashionable. I reject the idea that America will be a better place if marijuana is sold in every corner store. Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life.”

USA – Preferred Drug List Policies May Affect Methadone Overdose Rates

In a study published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, researcher M. Faul and colleagues analyzed state mortality data and the state preferred drug list (PDL) and reimbursement, to compare the number of overdose deaths involving methadone with the rate of prescribing methadone. They noted that methadone overdose fatalities increased by 600{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} between 2007 and 2014 before declining by 39{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} in 2014. In states like Florida and North Carolina that include methadone on the PDL overdose rates were high. But in South Carolina where methadone is not on the PDL overdose rates were lower. The researchers concluded that drug utilization management policies such as PDL placement may help reduce methadone-related injuries and deaths.

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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 16 March 2017



USA – Norma McCorvey of Roe v. Wade Passes Away

USA – House Votes to Overturn States Funding Planned Parenthood

USA – Congressional Bill to Protect Doctors and Nurses against Abortions

Africa – Women slam global ‘safe abortion’ fund as ‘new colonialism’

Alternative Medicine

Ghana – Safety issues in Herbal Medicine

Nigeria – Bill to regulate traditional medicine passes 2nd reading


Germany – court rules patients can access life-ending drugs

IVF& Surrogacy

Australia – Victoria’s controversial donor anonymity laws

Medical Ethics

UK – High Court rules that child must be vaccinated

Australia – Women complain of ‘gender disappointment’

USA – Report gives cautious green light to gene editing

USA – Anorexic woman dies after court orders end to force-feeding


No news today


USA – Is pornography a public health threat?

Canada – Government to Conduct Countrywide Study on Porn’s Effects

USA – Leading corporations promoting pornography USA – Porn resolution passes Tennessee Senate

Same Sex Attraction

USA – Students can’t visit ‘’anti-homosexual’’ states

Canada – Regretting the vote for transgender rights bill

USA – Comparing Body Dysmorphic Disorder and transgenderism

USA – Pushing kids into transgenderism is medical malpractice

Sexual Exploitation

USA – The system of prostitution is a violation of human rights

USA – Abolitionists legislation passes in Ireland

France – New prostitution law

South Africa – Lesotho boys trafficked to Cape Town

Substance Abuse

No news today


USA – Norma McCorvey of Roe v. Wade Passes Away

Norma McCorvey, who was the Jane Roe of the infamous Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court case legalizing virtually unlimited abortion, has passed away. McCorvey never had an abortion and eventually became pro-life and dedicated her life to overturning the Supreme Court decision that bared her pseudonym.

USA – House Votes to Overturn States Funding Planned Parenthood

The House of Representatives voted 230-188 to overturn Obama’s anti-defunding rule with Republicans voting 227-2 for it and Democrats voting 186-2 against it. Several states receiving family planning Federal grants have opted to direct those funds to county health departments, community health centers or other types of providers. Senator Joni Ernst and Rep. Diane Black filed bills to overturn the rule and the House passed the measure. “State legislatures around the country have spoken out about their preference for prioritizing more comprehensive primary and preventative care providers for the receipt of Title X funding and their voice should be respected by bureaucrats in the federal government.”

USA – Congressional Bill to Protect Doctors and Nurses against Abortions

The Conscience Protection Act of 2017 was introduced in Congress last year and it passed the U.S. House but was not voted on in the U.S. Senate. The measure also protects health insurance companies that oppose abortion and would rather not cover the procedure. The Department of Health and Human Services civil rights office declared that faith based organizations in California were mandated to provide abortion coverage. Because of that, key pro-life groups want Congress to take action. “This bill is needed to give health care providers the right to provide medical care without violating their deeply held beliefs,” says Oklahoma U.S. Senator James Lankford, who co-sponsored the bill.

Africa – Women slam global ‘safe abortion’ fund as ‘new colonialism’ A majority of Africans see abortion as morally unacceptable yet it is being foisted upon them as part of a “new colonialism” and “dictatorship of the wealthy donor” in a massive Dutch-initiated global funding effort. After President Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy which denies U.S. funding to any organization that promotes or provides abortions in their international work, “many countries in the West, including Canada and the Netherlands, have decided to come together to raise funds,” says Obianuju Ekeocha, of UK-based Culture of Life Africa. Thirteen countries, including Canada, Finland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Sweden have signed to support the Dutch abortion initiative. The fund aims to donate €600 million to abortion services to people in Africa and the developing world.

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Alternative Medicine

Ghana – Safety issues in Herbal Medicine

The World Health Organization recognizes two criteria for assessing the safety of herbal medicines. First is a long period of traditional use of the herbal medicine without documented or reported adverse effect or harm, and second is scientific-based evidence. However, in the absence of documentation of long historical use or where there is uncertainty about the safety of herbal medicine, additional toxicity studies should be performed. The Point of Difference from the research and marketing perspective is that the safety and efficacy as well as the performance of a well-researched herbal medicine can be empirically and scientifically attested to, as opposed to that which has not been properly researched, tried and tested.

Nigeria – Bill to regulate traditional medicine passes 2nd reading

A Bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of complementary and alternative medicine commission passed for a third reading in the House of Representatives. The consolidated bills sponsored by Rep. Nasiru Garo and two other lawmakers, seek to encourage, promote and regulate traditional medicine practice in Nigeria. He said the World Health Organisation (WHO), which Nigeria belongs to, made recommendations to all member countries at a congress of traditional medicine held in Beijing China. The recommendations were that each nation should have national policy on complementary and alternative medicine as well as national regulation of traditional and herbal medicine.

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Germany – Court rules patients can access life-ending drugs

For more than a decade a 74-year-old man fought for legal access to fatal drugs for his paralyzed, now-deceased, wife. The federal administrative court in Leipzig ruled in favour of “the right for a patient who is suffering and incurably ill to decide how and when their life should end”, provided the patient “can freely express their will and act accordingly”. The German Foundation for the Protection of Patients said the judgment was “a blow to the cause of suicide prevention in Germany”. Board member Eugen Brysch said the definition of “what an intolerable condition of suffering is remains open”. Suffering is “neither objectively measurable nor legally universally defined”.

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IVF & Surrogacy

Australia – Victoria’s controversial donor anonymity laws

New Victorian legislation allows donor conceived children to access information about their biological father, even where the donor requested anonymity. Donor children can apply to the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority, to access the name, birth date and donor code of their male blood-parent. The laws have been heavily criticized, with Vice-President of the Australian Medical Association Tony Bartone saying that we risk undermining the integrity of consent procedures: “All patients must feel confident that when they see a doctor and undergo a medical procedure their privacy will be upheld, both now and in the future.” Yet some say provisions in the law preventing donor children from contacting their male blood-parent are sufficient to protect the rights of donors.

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Medical Ethics

UK – High Court rules that child must be vaccinated

A British High Court Judge has ordered that a 7-month-old boy be given a meningitis vaccine despite his mother’s objections. The London mother’s three older children had all experienced significant side-effects from the injection (including swollen leg, ear infection and rash). Yet Mr Justice McDonald of the Family Division of the High Court said “I am satisfied that the balance of risk as between administering the outstanding Hib vaccine and the PCV vaccine and not doing so plainly favors immunization”. Barrister Rosalind English said “The current non-coercive vaccination regime under the UK Immunization Schedule is probably a good compromise, but a consistent approach by the courts such as illustrated by the growing case law favoring immunization is to be welcomed.”

Australia – Women complain of ‘gender disappointment’

Gender disappointment” is not a recognized medical condition. But many Australia women – where gender selection is illegal attribute their depression to it. A woman described it as “a guilt-ridden, debilitating depression”. She has two boys and she desperately wants a daughter. An ethics committee of Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council is currently reviewing guidelines for assisted reproductive technology and may recommend the legalization of sex selection. Critics say that sex selection is the first step on a slippery slope to designer babies.

USA – Report gives cautious green light to gene editing

A controversial report released by the US National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine outlines criteria for germline genome editing including: “strict clinical oversight, credible pre-clinical data on risk and health benefits, and the assurance of “long-term multigenerational follow-up”. Trials should only be conducted for “treating or preventing serious disease or disabilities”. Unlike human genome editing, which takes place in children or adults and cannot be inherited, germline genome editing takes place in gametes or embryos and the altered genes can be inherited. Marcy Darnovsky of the Center for Genetics and Society said: “Although [the recommendations] are couched in apparently cautionary language, they actually constitute a green light for proceeding with efforts to modify the human germline, that is, to engineer the genes and traits that are passed on to future children and generations.”

USA – Anorexic woman dies after court orders end to force-feeding

A 30-year-old anorexic woman has died in hospital just three months after a court denied a request that she be force-fed. The women had suffered from anorexia nervosa and depression for over a decade and had been in hospital since 2014. In 2016 the state Department of Human Health Services took her to court requesting she be force-fed, yet Superior Court Judge Paul Armstrong ruled she be moved to palliative care. “Whether grounded in common law or constitutional law, our courts have uniformly recognized a patient’s right to refuse medical treatment as a fundamental tenet of respect for patient autonomy, dignity and self-determination.” The woman told the judge she would resist force-feedings through the nose.

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USA – Is pornography a public health threat?

According to the website Paint Bottle, 30 percent of all data transferred online is porn. In a 2015 info-graphic the porn site detailed that 70 percent of men consume the content compared to 30 percent of women and that the number of people consuming porn is rapidly increasing every week. According to Dr. William Struthers, a psychology professor at Wheaton College, any kind of pornography research is incredibly muddy water. “The unfortunate truth is that we can’t keep up with the pornography that is being produced.” Ian Kerner, a licensed psychotherapist, argued that excessive porn viewing often presents as co-morbidity with another health issue such as anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder.

Canada – Government to Conduct Countrywide Study on Porn’s Effects

The Canadian government has given the green light to Motion M-47 introduced by MP Arnold Viersen. This will lead to examining the harmful effects of pornography on Canadian citizens and explore options to protect children from sexually explicit online material. The motion was unanimously adopted by the House of Commons. An important fact that helped pass the motion was that parliament has not studied the impact of sexually explicit material since 1985 – before the internet was invented.

USA – Leading corporations promoting pornography

Amazon, HBO, Comcast, Snapchat, Twitter, and the American Library Association are among the nation’s leading corporations promoting pornography and sexual exploitation, according to the annual “Dirty Dozen” list released by National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), a leading organization fighting porn. No corporation or organization should profit from or facilitate sexual exploitation according to NCOSE executive director, Dawn Hawkins. She continued that the disturbing truth is that many well-established brands, companies, and organizations in America are major perpetrators of sexual harm.

USA – Porn resolution passes Tennessee Senate

A joint resolution in the Tennessee General Assembly condemning pornography as a “public health crisis” that is making men less interested in marrying passed unanimously in the Senate. The nonbinding resolution was sponsored by Sen. Mae Beavers, and was passed without any discussion on the Senate floor. It calls for education, policy change, prevention and research on the negative effects of pornography. Specifically, the resolution says that more millennials are exposed to porn at a younger age, causing eating disorders, and that “children and youth are exposed to pornography that many times serves as their sex education and shapes their sexual templates.” The resolution now needs to pass the House before it’s sent to Gov. Bill Haslam’s desk.

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Same Sex Attraction

USA – Students can’t visit ‘’anti-homosexual’’ states

A new law forces California university students who planned on attending an undergraduate research conference in Tennessee from visiting four states marked by attorney general Xavier Becerra, including Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee. With effect from 01 January 2017, the state prohibits state-funded travels to states that do not promote the homosexual agenda.

Canada – Regretting the vote for transgender rights bill

Conservative leader Maxime Bernier has stopped supporting the liberal transgender anti-discrimination bill C-16. Psychology Professor Peterson of the University of Toronto got entangled with university authorities for opposing the push on staff members to use Tran’s pronouns when referring to transgender people. LGBT activists want everybody to use pronouns like ‘’ze’’ or ‘’xyr’’ when talking to transgender people identifying as something other than male or female. It forces Canadians to speak as if there were 30-50 different genders. Bernier who agrees with Peterson points out that these bills violate everyone’s fundamental right to believe in or criticize whatever they want to.

USA – Comparing Body Dysmorphic Disorder and transgenderism

Mark Narankevicius Jr. An author for The Federalist argues a very interesting point on Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Gender Dysmorphic Disorder. He debates the incident of Rodrigo Alves aka ‘The Human Ken Doll’ who had over 50 surgeries to transform himself into Barbie’s boyfriend, Ken. These surgeries have caused Alves to end up in hospital due to breathing difficulties and Necrosis. Narankevicius asks the question; how is this different from transgender people who inject foreign hormones and swap genitals? Transgender people suffer terrible side-effects from these surgeries like heart disease, damaged organs, high risk of depression and suicide that don’t disappear after sex reassignment surgery.

USA – Pushing children into transgenderism is medical malpractice

Endocrinologist Dr. Charles Ihlenfeld warns society of the unhappiness and suicides among transgender people undergoing surgeries. Washington State public schools want to teach gender expression to children in kindergarten already. The children are encouraged by educators and medical practitioners to experiment with transgenderism and as a result, many children are questioning their gender identity at an alarmingly increasing rate. Dr. Ihlenfeld said based on his experience of treating over 500 transgender patients, “There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery. Too many of them end as suicides.”

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Sexual Exploitation

USA – The system of prostitution is a violation of human rights

The UN 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) asks state parties to “take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to suppress all forms of traffic in women and exploitation of prostitution of women”. Prostitution is indeed incompatible with articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which state that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person” and “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”.

USA – Abolitionists legislation passes in Ireland

The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) commends the Republic of Ireland for the historic passage of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill which decriminalizes prostituted people and penalizes the purchase of sex. The new Irish law will help efforts to end demand by holding sex buyers accountable and will also ensure that prostituted individuals and survivors can access comprehensive support services. In addition, it strengthens national laws against sexual grooming, child pornography and sexual harassment in the Republic of Ireland. The Republic of Ireland follows the example of Sweden, the first country to legally recognize prostitution as a form of violence and discrimination against women in 1999.

France – New prostitution law

The new prostitution law ends the repression of victims of prostitution by abolishing the offense of solicitation. It ensures protection and support to all victims, including non-citizens. It also creates access to exit pathways out of prostitution nationwide and prohibits the purchase of sex.

South Africa – Lesotho boys trafficked to Cape Town

Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, former deputy minister in the defense and health ministry’s whose NGO helps prostitutes and sex trafficking victims leave prostitution, says her organisation has reliably learnt from the UN that young boys are being trafficked from Lesotho to Cape Town for sex work. Furthermore, she said more than 250 women had visited Embrace Dignity’s offices in Woodstock Cape town over the past year, seeking support to leave prostitution.

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Substance Abuse

No news today

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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 16 February 2017


Sweden – Nurse fired for refusing abortions sues for discrimination

Ireland – Europe Using Abortion to Create a “Down Syndrome Free” World

UK – Dangerous British Abortion Clinics Turning Away Women from Ireland

Alternative Medicine

No news today


Canada – Euthanasia could save Canada millions

Netherlands – Woman euthanized while fighting for her life

IVF& Surrogacy

No news today

Medical Ethics

USA – Using patents to restrict harmful applications of CRISPR

USA – Scientists closer to growing human organs in pigs

USA – Trump SCOTUS Nominee is ‘bioethicist’

Australia – Leading Adult Stem Cell Researcher named Australian of Year


UK – Conference says sex with children ‘natural’


USA – Pornography declared health crisis by South Dakota

USA – An industry that fears the next four years

UK – What the future of pornography will look like

UK – Porn laws a year on

Same Sex Attraction

Canada – Curiosity killed your true sexuality

Australia – Father fights for children not to be exposed to naked men

Sexual Exploitation

India – Actress Ashley Judd advocates for abolition of prostitution

USA – Global Community Rejects Normalized Violence in 50 Shades

Germany – Mother jailed for selling sex with daughter online

USA – Tackle demand at the Super Bowl

Substance Abuse

USA – Hardly any proof of Dagga’s medical benefits  


Sweden – Nurse fired for refusing abortions sues for discrimination

A Swedish midwife, Ellinor Grimmark, is suing healthcare officials for discrimination. Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers, which represents Grimmark, argue that European Union law protects healthcare professionals’ “freedom of conscience” on issues like abortion. In 2016, a Swedish court ruled against her, saying that women’s access to abortion was more important than healthcare professionals’ conscience rights. Grimmark has been denied a job ever since she first began refusing to participate in abortions, even though there was a shortage of midwives. Sweden is the only country in the European Union that does not have legal conscience protections.

Ireland – Europe Using Abortion to Create a “Down Syndrome Free” World

Dr. Peter McParland, an obstetrician from the National Maternity Hospital, explained how prenatal testing is leading to a near extinction of children with Down syndrome and other disabilities. According to McParland’s research, not one baby with Down syndrome has been born in Iceland in the past five years. Statistics from England indicate as many as 90 percent of babies with the condition are aborted. Abortion has become a modern method of eugenics, a way to discriminate against the most vulnerable in society. Irish mother Anne Trainer whose son Kevin who has Down syndrome said, “The Eighth Amendment protected my son, and he was deserving of that protection.”

UK – Dangerous British Abortion Clinics Turning Away Women from Ireland

The Life Institute, spokeswoman Niamh Uí Bhriain has said a decision by Marie Stopes to begin turning Irish women away from its abortion clinics had the potential to save both mothers and babies. “Most women go for an abortion in fear and panic because they have not been given other life-affirming options,” she said. British abortion clinics know this, and that’s why they are openly campaigning to have abortion legalised in Ireland and bring their disturbing industry here.” “We’ve seen an almost 50{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} fall in the number of women from Ireland travelling for abortions in the past decade, and that’s a good thing. This industry is aggressively seeking to expand to Ireland, and attacking the 8th amendment to do so.

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Alternative Medicine

No news today

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Canada – Euthanasia could save Canada millions

It only became legal in June and already about 800 people have received a lethal injection at the hands of a doctor. In December two Quebec bioethicists argued in the Journal of Medical Ethics that combining euthanasia with organ donation would be an excellent idea. And last week researchers from the University of Calgary calculated that when euthanasia reaches the level of Belgium and the Netherlands, the health system could save up to up to C$139 million every year. “Exceeding the $1.5–$14.8 million in direct costs associated with its implementation of Euthanasia,” they wrote in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Netherlands – Woman euthanized while fighting for her life

A Dutch euthanasia doctor has been rebuked by a Regional Review Committee after she gave a lethal injection to a demented patient who appeared to be struggling to stop the procedure. An 80-year-old woman with dementia entered a nursing home because her husband could no longer care for her. Based on her previous statements, the doctor decided that euthanasia was appropriate. With members of her family in attendance, the doctor approached to give her a lethal injection. The woman was agitated, so the doctor slipped a sedative into her coffee. This did not work, so she gave her an injection. With all these drugs, the woman dosed off. But when the needle for the lethal injection appeared, she started to struggle. The doctor had to ask the family members to hold her down so that she could continue with the injection. The woman died soon afterwards.

The review committee said the doctor acted in good faith, but had erred in several respects.

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Medical Ethics

USA – Using patents to restrict harmful applications of CRISPR

Writing in Nature Biotechnology, academics from Baylor College of Medicine and New York Law School, suggest that ethical licensing by CRISPR gene-editing technology patent holders is necessary. “We do not mean to suggest that licensing bans are preferable, or should be used to the exclusion of policymaking or professional standards setting. Rather, we believe that the promotion of private efforts as a complement to public efforts is worthy of serious consideration,” says Baylor ethicist Christi Guerrini. When the Broad Institute licensed CRISPR technology to Editas Medicine it was provided they did not use it to modify human germ cells or embryos or modify animal cells for the creation or commercialization of organs suitable for transplantation into humans.

USA – Scientists closer to growing human organs in pigs

The journal Cell reports that Salk Institute geneticists injected pig embryos with human induced pluripotent stem cells then returned them to a sow for gestation. After 28 days some of the cells developed into precursors of tissue types, including heart, liver and neurons. Dr David King, of Human Genetics Alert said: “I find these experiments disturbing… mixing species touches something deep in the human psyche and our culture that is hard to put into words.” But Insoo Hyun, ethicist at Case Western Reserve University said “There isn’t a need to get into a debate about moral humanization if scientists target the organs where the human cells will go”. “Scientists are not making chimeras just for fun; it’s to relieve the dire shortage of transplantable organs”.

USA – Trump SCOTUS Nominee is ‘bioethicist’

Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, made his name at the elite law firm Kellogg, Huber and Hansen but also has a doctorate in legal philosophy from Oxford University writing extensively on end of life issues. Gorsuch says that judges should use “text, structure and history” to understand what the law is, “not to decide cases based on their own moral convictions or policy consequences they believe might serve society best”. While Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards tweeted, “Neil Gorsuch has an alarming history of interfering with reproductive health and rights”, Princeton philosopher and conservative commentator Robert George described Gorsuch as an ‘intellectual giant’:  “[his] combination of outstanding intellectual and personal qualities places him in the top rank of American jurists.”

Australia – Leading Adult Stem Cell Researcher named Australian of Year

Alan Makay-Sim is the first scientist in the world to use olfactory ensheathing cells to bring about spinal regeneration in humans, a procedure used by researchers in 2012 to help a man paralyzed from the chest down walk again. In the early 2000s, IVF pioneer Alan Trounson led a campaign for a massive government funded embryonic stem cell research initiative but Mackay-Sim’s work was often used as evidence against funding the Trounson project. Columnist Angela Shanahan remarked: “By concentrating on the use of adult stem cells rather than ­embryonic stem cells, Mackay-Sim’s research bypassed the most contentious ethical debates, and, what is more, he did this with very limited funds. He and his team deserve full credit for that.”

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UK – Conference says sex with children ‘natural’ An academic conference held at the University of Cambridge said that having sex with children is normal and natural. These views were expressed to discuss the classification of sexuality in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This is a standard international psychiatric manual used by the legal system. A number of speakers at the conference spoke in favour of child-sex. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) responsible for the DSM has been in a battle over whether Hebephilia, the attraction to children in early puberty, typically 11-14, should be included as a disorder.

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USA – Pornography declared health crisis by South Dakota

Senators in South Dakota have passed a resolution declaring pornography a public health crisis, joining Virginia and Utah among that states stepping up efforts to highlight the dangers of x-rated adult material. According to resolution SCR4, passed in South Dakota, porn leads to risky sexual activity, low self-esteem and sometimes eating disorders. Advances in technology are exposing young children to pornography “at an alarming rate,” and pornography is “linked to a lessening desire in young person’s to marry,” the resolution states.

USA – An industry that fears the next four years

Anxiety abounded in the days and weeks following the US election. One group, the porn industry, is fighting for its survival. It’s an industry that does not discriminate as to who consumes and has no target audience. Adult actor Jesse Jackman says there is concern in the porn industry that future laws may become aggressive, and possibly even draconic. Adult actors’ fears did not start the day after the election, but rather in July 11 in Cleveland when the Republican Party amended its platform to say that pornography is a public health crisis. The pervasiveness of porn has saturated our society. In fact, most teens and young adults believe that porn is not all that bad.

UK – What the future of pornography will look like

According to Dr Chauntelle Tibballs a sociologist and the author of ‘Exposure: A Sociologist Explores Sex, Society, and adult Entertainment’, robots might replace sexual partners. The internet made pornography easier to access and some people may definitely be using virtual reality headsets to add further depth and dimension to sexual fantasy. Sex is always changing and evolving, and it always has.

UK – New porn laws a year later

A year after laws restricting online pornography in the UK were introduced, two women reveal how the regulations have affected their lives and the industry. Pandora Blake, 31, who describes herself as a “one-woman business” and a London-based feminist pornographer said that because her fantasy was banned she had to take her online business down. But Megara Furie, a 32-year-old dominatrix based in Glasgow, holds the view that laws should only be aimed at protecting children. Not causing people to lose money.

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Same Sex Attraction

Canada – Curiosity killed your true sexuality

An excerpt from LM Diamond, PhD, a professor of developmental psychology and health psychology at the University of Utah points out in her study that following the modern ideas and style culture provides a different set of gender-specific contexts that potentially trigger same-sex sexuality. Specifically, the past decade revealed evidence of an undeniable increase in television and movie portrayals of heterosexual women that experiment with homosexual behaviour, with few negative social consequences.

Australia – Father fights for children not to be exposed to naked men

Bernard Gaynor, a father, former military man and outspoken free-speech campaigner won a court battle over charges brought against him for publicly objecting to naked homosexual men exposing themselves to children at a homosexual parade in Toronto, Canada. Bernard also pointed out remarks made by a judge that legitimized incest because of the cultural embrace of homosexuality. A homosexual, anti free-speech activist lodged 32 complaints against Bernard but despite this, Bernard continues to stand for family values; while challenging in court, the anti-discrimination body that is acting outside the law.

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Sexual Exploitation

India – Actress Ashley Judd advocates for abolition of prostitution

Prostitutes in India have slammed a global conference on the abolition of prostitution. Hollywood actress Ashley Judd, attending the conference as a strong advocate for prostitution to be abolished, said women and girls were being bought and sold like commodities and that action had to be taken to end the global sex trade. “We need to put on the onus and shame where it belongs – which is on the perpetrator, the aggressor and the person who thinks that women and girl’s bodies are purchasable.” “We are not commodities, we are human beings and we are entitled to bodily integrity, sexual dignity and the right to be free from all forms of body invasion.”

USA – Global Community Rejects Normalized Violence in 50 Shades

The London Abused Women’s Centre, Canada; Collective Shout, Australia; Culture Reframed, USA; and The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), USA are collaborating for the second time to reject the normalization of violence and abuse against women portrayed in the movie Fifty Shades Darker. Dozens of groups from around the world are speaking out against the Fifty Shades trilogy ahead of the release of Fifty Shades Darker in February. The campaign Facebook page highlights how the movie normalizes and even romanticizes sexual and domestic violence. The partnering organizations urge the public to support survivors of men’s violence and help educate the public on the realities of Fifty Shades relationships.

Germany – Mother jailed for selling sex with daughter online

A German court sentenced a woman to four years in jail after she admitted to charges including selling sex with her teenage daughter online. The 37-year-old was jailed on charges of serious sexual abuse of children and procuration. The state court in Hildesheim, Saxony found that the woman had offered her teenage daughter, then 16, for sex online over a period of six months. Court proceedings only began in January this year, although the older daughter had gone to the police in July 2013. “The sentences are an important signal and compensation for the girls,” the lawyer for the two daughters said after the hearing.

USA – Tackling demand at the Super Bowl

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), in collaboration with more than twenty-five supporting organizations, conducted a nation-wide social media awareness campaign to #Tackle Demand for sex trafficking at the Super Bowl and beyond. Executive Director Dawn Hawkins stated that many people believe that sex trafficking is perpetuated by traffickers but in reality it’s the demand, the sex buyer, that keeps the market going and that typically sex buyers are unable or unwilling to recognize if a person is trafficked for sex. Payment for sex in itself constitutes an act of sexual coercion, whether it takes place in connection with the Super Bowl or for no special occasion at all.

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Substance Abuse

USA – Hardly any proof of Dagga’s medical benefits More than 10,700 scientific studies have been conducted by the National Academics of Science, Engineering, and Medicine that found benefits for only two disorders that can be verified, such as chronic pain, nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Although many people support the legalization of Dagga the studies found many serious health and social consequences for the use of Dagga. Researchers found Dagga use to be associated with the development of schizophrenia and other psychoses, existing disorders of mania and bi-polar increase and the risk of committing suicide increases. Social anxiety disorder can develop and negatively affect learning, memory and attention span.

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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 25 January 2017


USA – Iowa Bill to Allow Women to Sue for Emotional Grief Northern Ireland – 100,000 People Alive Today Because Abortion illegal USA – Abortions Decline in the USA

Alternative Medicine

USA – Massachusetts Governor Signs Naturopathic Medicine Bill


Canada – More than 744 physician assisted deaths in Canada since new law USA – American psychiatrists speak out on euthanasia at last Canada – Bioethicists call for organ donor euthanasia

IVF& Surrogacy

Netherlands – IVF clinics should do better Czechoslovakia – Women implanted with wrong embryos

Medical Ethics

UK – All boxes ticked, UK rolls out 3-parent embryo treatment


India – Sex offenders should be on national register


No news today

Same Sex Attraction

South Africa – Activists launch organization to protect family values USA – Survey reveals the struggle of transgender lifestyle USA – The homosexual lifestyle is way more violent

Sexual Exploitation

Germany – Politicians Want To Fund Sex Workers For Elderly and Disabled USA – Website blocks prostitution ads in the USA USA – Detroit Program Helps Women Exit Sex Work

Substance Abuse

No news today


USA – Iowa Bill to Allow Women to Sue for Emotional Grief Iowa Senate File 26, sponsored by state Sen. Mark Chelgren, would expand medical malpractice provisions in the state to include mental distress caused by an abortion practitioner’s “negligence or failure to obtain informed consent prior to performance of the abortion.” A group of Iowa Democrats criticized the bill, saying the measure could make it more difficult for abortion practitioners to get medical malpractice insurance because of the increased liability. State Sen. Nate Boulton, said the bill would “run providers out of our state.” Whether such a law would withstand a legal challenge is difficult to say. Northern Ireland – 100,000 People Alive Today Because Abortion illegal

Spokeswoman Dawn McAvoy of Both Lives Matter, a new collaborative movement of individuals and organisations seeking to reframe the abortion debate in Northern Ireland said: “There are people alive in Northern Ireland today who would not have been born if the 1967 Abortion Act had been introduced here.” The figure was calculated using termination rates across the rest of the UK. “Using a statistically cautious approach, we estimate there are 100,000 people alive today who would not be had we introduced the 1967 Abortion Act.”

USA – Abortions Decline in the USA

Even as the election outcome intensifies America’s abortion debate, a comprehensive new survey finds the annual number of abortions in the U.S has dropped to well under 1 million, the lowest level since 1974. According to the Guttmacher Institute report, the abortion rate was 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44, the lowest rate since abortion was legalized nationally in 1973 by the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. The decline was likely the result of two main factors: the increased availability of affordable, long-lasting contraceptives that have reduced unintended pregnancies, and the surge of abortion restrictions in many states that have forced some clinics to close and hindered many women’s access to the procedure.

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Alternative Medicine

USA – Massachusetts Governor Signs Naturopathic Medicine Bill

Governor Baker added Massachusetts to the list of states that acknowledge the value of alternative healthcare from a qualified professional. The new law ensures patients can trust that their wellness professional holds a graduate degree from an accredited naturopathic medical school. Amy Rothenberg, N.D., and president of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors (MSND), says, “This law allows the people of Massachusetts access to well-educated and trained naturopathic doctors and their expertise in both preventative medicine and natural integrative care.” Under the new law, the terms Naturopathic Doctor and N.D. would be reserved exclusively for those who have attended four-year, post-graduate level programs at institutions recognized by the United States Department of Education.

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Canada – More than 744 physician assisted deaths in Canada since law

More than 744 terminally ill people chose to end their lives with the doctor’s help across Canada in 2016 and more are expected to follow as the procedure became legal. It seems, on average, that two Canadians per day had chosen to be euthanized between June 17 and December 16. “I know that it will increase. I expect that we’ll get to the point of the Netherlands and Belgium because their laws are similar to ours, and that would mean about 5 percent of all deaths,” stated Dr. Ellen Wiebe, a Vancouver doctor who has assisted 40 patients this year.

USA – American psychiatrists speak out on euthanasia at last

Euthanasia is allowed in Belgium and the Netherlands since early in the 21st century, and has expanded rapidly beyond cases of terminal physical illness, such as cancer, to encompass non-terminal illnesses including psychiatric conditions such as depression or bipolar disorder. The American Psychiatric Association (APA), in concert with the American Medical Association’s position on medical euthanasia, holds that a psychiatrist should not prescribe or administer any intervention to a non-terminally ill person for the purpose of causing death. Obviously, this is of little immediate practical effect in the United States, because non-terminal cases are not eligible for assisted death but given the potential slippery slope in this area, the APA statement lays down an important marker for the future.

Canada – Bioethicists call for organ donor euthanasia

Well, that didn’t take long, did it? Quebec bioethicists had already published an article in the Journal of Medical Ethics calling for organ donation after euthanasia. The author, Julie Allard and Marie-Chantal Fortin, at the University of Montreal, say, “MAID (medical aid in dying) has the potential to provide additional organs available for transplantation. Accepting to procure organ donation after MAID is a way to respect the autonomy of patients for whom organ donation is an important value. Organ donation after MAID would be ethically acceptable if the patient who has offered to donate is competent and not under any external pressure to choose MAID or organ donation”.

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Netherlands – IVF clinics should do better

University Medical Centre (UMC) in Utrecht has warned 26 women their eggs may have been fertilized with the wrong sperm. Nine have already given birth and four are pregnant. The embryos were created with ICSI, a popular method in Europe, although with a slightly elevated risk, where single sperm is injected into the egg with a very fine pipette. Jesper Smeenk, spokesman for the Dutch Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said that the mistake was rare. “I’m a little bit worried that the general population will have the idea that IVF is something that isn’t safe or hasn’t been safe or will not be safe anymore.” “In this case, a human error occurred because one person didn’t follow the protocols.”

Czechoslovakia – Women implanted with wrong embryos

A procedure at an IVF clinic has resulted in two children in the wrong wombs. At Reprofit, a clinic which is popular with British couples, it was discovered that two foreign women had been implanted with an embryo meant for another couple. Under Czech law, the birth mother is the legal mother. “It was a human error, not a system failure,” said a clinic official. “The people who manipulated the embryos are suspended.”

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Medical Ethics

UK – All boxes ticked, UK rolls out 3-parent embryo treatment

The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority have given a green light to the creation of three-parent embryos to combat mitochondrial disease. The media was jubilant, with The Independent commenting it was “the best possible news for many families this Christmas.” However, Marcy Darnovsky, of the Center for Genetics and Society, in California, criticized the decision, describing it as a first step toward genetic engineering. “The HFEA decision is part of a disturbing trend toward the normalization of an experimental technology that is still widely considered unsafe, and whose implications for future generations are unknown. Allowing mitochondrial manipulation in humans could open the door to other forms of human inheritable genetic modification, banned in more than 40 countries worldwide.”

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India – Sex offenders should be on national register

Many countries, such as the United States, Britain and South Africa keep a record of people who have been convicted of paedophilia and rape. In India, Maneka Gandhi, the minister for women and child development said it’s been two years since she has suggested that the country make use of a register that keeps record of sex offenders as the above mentioned countries do. Currently Gandhi’s proposal is with Home Affairs which is planning a national register for all criminals including sex offenders to be kept. Latest data from India’s National crime records show 34,651 rapes were reported in 2015, a 36{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} increase from 22,172 reports in 2010.

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Same Sex Attraction

South Africa – Activists launch organization to protect family values

The International Organization for the Family led and taken over by Brian Brown of the US’s National Organisation of Marriage along with international conservatives, signed a declaration in Cape Town on 10 December 2016, pledging to defend the institution of marriage from homosexual couples, uniting groups and leaders from over 20 countries which vow to resist pornography, adultery, divorce and every push to redefine marriage: including same-sex or group bonds, or sexually open or temporary ones. Names on the declaration include Russian politician Victor Zubarev, a member of Putin’s party that brought in an anti-gay propaganda law in 2014, and Errol Naidoo, a prominent opponent to homosexual behaviour in SA.

USA – Survey reveals the struggle of transgender lifestyle

The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) surveyed 27,715 transgender people in 2015 and analyzed their experiences. 47{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} had been sexually abused but no questions were asked to probe whether being sexually abused caused the lifestyle. 39{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} has serious psychological stress (8x the 5{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} rate of the average person). 40{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} attempted suicide, 9x more common than the average person (4.6{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4}). The survey confirmed the very high rates of HIV infection: 5x the general population (1.4{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} vs. 0.3{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4}). 12{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} prostituted themselves, 77{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} experienced partner violence and 30{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} experienced homelessness. Foundation for Moral Law Senior Counsel Col. John A. Eidsmoe said; “Whatever the cause and effect may be, we should think twice about adopting policies that could encourage people to enter into the transgender lifestyle.”

USA – The homosexual lifestyle is way more violent

The Centres for Disease Control (CDC) report; The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey concluded that those in the homosexual lifestyle experience far greater violence among one another than heterosexual relationships, and homosexual women more than the men, of whom 44{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of women were raped, physically abused and stalked by their intimate partners. 37 percent of bisexual women indicated they were stalked, more than double the rate that heterosexual women from their male partners. 26 percent of homosexual men experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by their intimate partner’s bisexual men experience these types of assaults at a rate of 37 percent. Even though the government agency would not make an official determination that such early exposure to sexual violence was the cause of men and women ultimately choosing to engage in homosexual behaviour, the statistics themselves appear to point to such a connection. Even LGBT leaders have conceded that those in the homosexual community tend to ignore the prevalence of sexual violence between its members. National Center for Lesbian Rights Reproductive Justice Fellow Lauren Paulk admitted. “A particularly disturbing dynamic arises when the assaults are by other LGBT community members.” Paulk says that the LGBT community has rationalized or ignored such violence. “Denial, misrecognition and the dismissal of outside-the-community concern as hidden homophobia are examples of responses to sexual assault that occurs between members of the LGBT community.”

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Sexual Exploitation

Germany – Politicians Want to Fund Sex Workers For Elderly and Disabled

Germany’s Green Party wants its government to fund the services of sex workers for the elderly and the disabled, under the idea that the prescribed sexual relief would improve their quality of life. Elisabeth Scharfenber said she “could imagine” authorities funding “sexual assistance” for patients requiring nursing care with a medical condition that might benefit from sex. Karl Lauterbach of the governing Social Democrats said  that Germany does not “need paid prostitution in homes for the elderly, and certainly not on prescription,” and the New York Times quotes the German Patient Protection Foundation as saying, “People who have to fight for help on basic matters such as washing and eating have other concerns.

USA – Website blocks prostitution ads in the USA, a large classified ad website notorious for facilitating prostitution and sex trafficking, blocked its prostitution ads in the U.S under mounting pressure for its role as a facilitator of sex trafficking. is one of the largest websites that hosts ads for the prostitution and sex trafficking of adults and children alike and has blocked its prostitution advertising in America. Its prostitution pages now greet visitors with the message: “The government has unconstitutionally censored this content.” This change occurred the night before the CEO and founders were scheduled to testify to the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in their investigation into sex trafficking occurring on the website.

USA – Detroit Program Helps Women Exit Sex Work

The Detroit based Alternatives for Girls’ New Choices Project helps women exit prostitution but getting out of prostitution can be a challenge for career prostitutes, many of whom have criminal pasts and little professional work history..Celia Williamson, an assistant professor at the University of Toledo’s social work department, has researched street prostitution in various cities. The longer women are in prostitution, the harder it is to leave, especially since many women have cut ties with their families, she said. New Choices provides services such as life skills training, recreational and cultural activities, educational workshops, mentoring and counseling.

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Substance Abuse

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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 19 December 2016


USA – Abortions are continuing to drop

USA – Texas will require aborted babies to be cremated or buried

USA – Ohio to Deny Access to Abortion as Early as 6 Weeks

Malawi – People in March against Legislation of Abortion

Alternative Medicine

No news today


Netherlands – Euthanasia for alcoholics, the last one for the road

Netherlands – Suicide doctor advances ‘militant pro-euthanasia position’

Switzerland – 26{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} increase in assisted suicide deaths

South Africa – Bloemfontein Supreme Court of Appeal rejects euthanasia

IVF& Surrogacy

UK – Staggering discarded embryo figures released USA – More Homosexual couples using surrogates Australia – Pressure mounts for commercial surrogacy

Medical Ethics

UK – Staggering discarded embryo figures released in UK

The Netherlands – Team of anatomists create 3D atlas of human embryo

UK – Last minute hitch with 3-parent embryo trials


No news today


Canada – Hundreds of children rescued in child pornography investigation

Same Sex Attraction

No news today

Sexual Exploitation

South Africa – Inn Town Lodge human traffickers jailed for 85

USA – What will protect sex workers?

USA – San Diego University Event Raises Awareness of Human Trafficking

Substance Abuse

USA – Targeting the Brain’s Cannabinoid System USA – Effects Of Smoking Marijuana On The Human Brain USA – Recreational marijuana use on the rise among adults over 50


USA – Abortions are continuing to drop The U.S. Centres for Disease Control released its abortion figures for 47 states that exclude, New Hampshire and California (most populous state). The CDC’s “Abortion Surveillance Report” lists 664,435 abortions reported from those states. Not all states report on abortion because they depend on abortion businesses’ claims as an all-cash industry. Prolife organisations are nevertheless encouraged because their efforts such as Right to life legislative, educational and outreach efforts to increase awareness of the unborn child’s humanity make an impact because reports evidently reveal a decline in abortions as mentioned in a press release by National Right to Life (NRTL) Director of education and research, Dr. RK O’Bannon. USA – Texas will require aborted babies to be cremated or buried Aborted baby body parts will now be buried or cremated instead of being dumped in sanitary landfills. Health officials finalized the new rules prohibiting hospitals, abortion clinics and other health care facilities from disposing of aborted babies’ bodies – regardless of the period of gestation. Rules will take effect 19th of December according to Health Officials. These requirements do not apply to miscarriages or abortions done at home and there are no birth or death certificates required to be filed. Other states have passed restrictions on the use of foetal remains. South Dakota made it illegal to use aborted foetal tissue in research. In Idaho and Alabama it is illegal to buy, sell, donate or experiment on such remains. USA – Ohio to Deny Access to Abortion as Early as 6 Weeks Both the Ohio State Senate and Ohio State House of Representatives passed a bill that would prevent abortions if a fetal heart beat is detected, often around six weeks into a pregnancy. The “heartbeat” bill now stands with Ohio Gov. John Kasich. If signed into law, it would become one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. Republican State Senate President Keith Faber said that the “heartbeat” bill, which had been defeated twice before by state lawmakers, was put forward again in part because of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory and that he could appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court. “I think it has a better chance [of becoming law] than it did before,” he said. Malawi – People in March against Legislation of Abortion Thousands of people in Malawi marched for the rights of unborn babies. The Episcopal Conference of Malawi and the Evangelical Association of Malawi organized the marches. The theme was “Lighting the Candle.” A large banner at one location proclaimed that “Life is sacred” and “Life must be protected from conception. “We cannot install a culture of death in our country,” said one Catholic Christian who joined people donning all white t-shirts in the ‘march for life’. For years the Malawi government, as with many African governments, has been told by Western allies to reduce their population. Though Malawi restricts abortion, there is a strong campaign to legalize abortion as a medically viable treatment with strong funding by pro-abortion lobbies.

Alternative Medicine

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Netherlands – Euthanasia for alcoholics, the last one for the road Journalist Marcel Langedijk describes the grim life and death of his brother Mark, a hopeless alcoholic. After eight years and 21 stints in hospital or rehab, Mark decided that he had enough. His parents cared for him and he had plenty of family support, but he was unable to dry out.  Finally he asked for euthanasia. He met the minimum criteria for euthanasia in the Netherlands. A woman doctor in a black dress and sneakers arrived to give him his lethal injection. She confirmed his decision and then gave him three doses. He died quickly. Will Dutch drug addicts be encouraged to take the cheapest drug rehabilitation program ever? Just one needle and you are “cured” forever? Netherlands – Suicide doctor advances ‘militant pro-euthanasia position’ Nitschke, who now lives in the Netherlands, where he operates Exit International, announced Sunday the formation of Exit Action with the goal of promoting a “militant pro-euthanasia position” to bring about legislative change. Nitschke’s position of “ration suicide” flies directly in the face of the social and medical view that suicidal people should automatically receive psychological counselling on the presumption that they are irrational because of depression or some other mental illness. Typically, Nitschke has promised Exit Action will be organizing an online “buyer’s club” to sell fatal drugs and gear. Switzerland – 26{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} increase in assisted suicide deaths The Federal Statistical Office reports that in 2014 Switzerland saw 742 cases of assisted suicide, more than 2.5 times as many as five years previously. In the latest statistics, assisted suicide accounted for 1.2{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of all deaths in Switzerland that year. In April 2013, Pietro D’Amico, a 62-year-old magistrate from Calabria Italy, died by assisted suicide at a suicide clinic in Basel Switzerland. His autopsy showed that he had a wrong diagnosis. The Swiss assisted suicide stats prove that when assisted suicide is accepted, deaths by assisted suicide continually increase and the reasons for assisted suicide multiply. South Africa – Bloemfontein Supreme Court of Appeal rejects euthanasia Doctors for Life International is delighted with the outcome of this court case which was the culmination of decades of conferences, educating health professionals and the public, taking part in debates, and finally this legal battle to prevent legislation that would use the SA public as guinea pigs in a tragic social experiment. Legalizing physician assisted suicide would have created a legal precedent that would have led to floods of euthanasia contagion. The judgment will serve to protect the sick, the aged and the vulnerable in SA who are the ones who would be most harmed through such a law.


UK – Staggering discarded embryo figures released New official figures indicate that close to 2.5 million embryos have been discarded in the UK since IVF was brought under a comprehensive regulatory framework in 1991.The records of the UK’s fertility watchdog, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority show that 1,687,260 embryos have been transferred to uteri since 1991, and 2,315,262 destroyed. In 1991, 6,146 women received 6,609 IVF treatments, resulting in 1,226 live births. By 2013 this had risen to 52,288 women receiving 67,708 cycles of IVF, from which 15,283 babies were born. Just because fertilization takes place in a lab and not a womb doesn’t make them any less human, to just be discarded or killed. USA – More Homosexual couples using surrogates An informal study by a fertility data service suggests an increasing number of homosexual couples in the US are turning to surrogacy. The study conducted by Fertility IQ involved data from fertility clinics in more than 10 cities. The results as reported indicate that 10 to 20{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of donor eggs are going to homosexual men having babies via surrogacy, and in a lot of places the numbers are up 50{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} from 5 years ago. Surrogacy for homosexual men in the US was “unheard of” five years ago, says Eve Feinberg, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at North-Western University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Australia – Pressure mounts for commercial surrogacy In an article in the Australia and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, an IVF doctor and a surrogacy broker argue that most Australians support commercial surrogacy and that the laws should be changed to permit it if it is carefully regulated. Co-author Professor Kelton Tremellen said that if legalisation were in place Australians could find a local surrogate “instead of being desperate and going to developing countries”. Professional guidelines could include age restrictions on surrogates, mental health checks, mandatory cooling-off periods and adequate counselling.

Medical Ethics

UK – Staggering discarded embryo figures released in UK New official figures indicate that close to 2.5 million embryos have been discarded in the UK since IVF was brought under a comprehensive regulatory framework in 1991. The figures were released by Lord Prior of Brampton, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, in response to a written question from Lord Alton of Liverpool. Netherlands – Team of anatomists create 3D atlas of human embryo Dutch anatomists have published a 3D atlas of the human embryo. Their website offers 14 interactive three-dimensional models of human embryology and a database of 34 embryos spanning the first two months of human development. About 15,000 histological sections were analyzed by students under expert supervision, and about 150 organs and structures were identified and digitally labeled in each section. The labeled structures were then spatially reconstructed in such a way that the relation between the reconstruction and the original images was preserved. Download 3D images from: UK – Last minute hitch with 3-parent embryo trials In the technique nuclear DNA is removed from an egg cell, leaving the diseased mitochondria behind; then the DNA is inserted into another woman’s denucleated egg to make use of her mitochondria; then the egg is fertilized. The resulting embryo will grow, hopefully, into a disease-free infant with three genetic parents. However, a paper published in Nature by mitochondrial geneticist Shoukhrat Mitalipov, at Oregon Health & Science University says the DNA carrying the disease sometimes “out-competes” the healthy mitochondrial DNA and could cause the disease. “It’s not perfect. There’s this chance of something going wrong,” Robin Lovell-Badge, a leading UK stem cell scientist, told Nature. Patients “must understand it’s impossible to ensure total safety until clinical trials have taken place”.


No news today


Canada – Hundreds of children rescued in child pornography investigation Nearly 400 children have been rescued and 348 adults arrested following an “extraordinary” international child pornography investigation in Canada. The three-year undercover project, named Project Spade, began in 2010 and eventually discovered a child porn production company in Toronto, run by 42-year old Brian Way. Investigators catalogued hundreds of thousands of images and videos of horrific sexual acts against very young children. Most alarming was that many of the arrests were of people who worked or interacted with children. Among those arrested were 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors and priests and three foster parents.

Same Sex Attraction

No news today

Sexual Exploitation

South Africa – Inn Town Lodge human traffickers jailed for 85 years Three men convicted of human trafficking and running a brothel with girls as young as 12 years old have been sentenced to an effective 85 years in jail. Durban Regional Court Magistrate Simphiwe Hlophe sentenced three men, who were in March this year found guilty of a host of charges related to the prostitution ring operated from a Durban Hotel. “Human trafficking is one of the world’s most shameful crimes,” said Magistrate Hlophe. “What these girls endured was difficult and painful.” He said that it became apparent that the only way the girls could deal with the prostitution was to take drugs. Doctors For Life International reached out to the women at Inn Town lodge several times in the past. USA – What will protect sex workers? Trading sex for survival, that’s what millions of teens in “food insecure” households may be facing according to a new study by the Urban Institute and Feeding America. In discussions held in 10 communities across the U.S. to find out more about the conditions facing the 6.8 million 10 to 17 year olds who regularly don’t get enough to eat, researchers say teens at all 10 of the study locations talked about girls having sex for money. Many teens have relationships with older men who provided food, housing, or money in return for sex. 68 percent meet the standard for suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. Nearly 90 percent said they wanted out of prostitution, but had no other means of survival. USA – San Diego University Event Raises Awareness of Human Trafficking The University of San Diego hosted an event, “Walk in Their Shoes: Standing with Survivors of Sex Trafficking,” in December to raise awareness. They spoke through art, music, testimonies and other organizations. The event presented visual elements that stirred emotions and offered ways to be united with victims suffering emotionally and physically and suffering from PTSD, said Rachel Robitz MD and co-chief of the combined psychiatry and family medicine resident at UCSD. Survivors spoke of being forced into prostitution by an abusive boyfriend, some were molested by family relatives at a young age, while others who grew up in a broken home were led into a deeper abyss.

Substance Abuse

USA – Targeting the Brain’s Cannabinoid System Indiana University (IU) neuroscientist Andrea Hohmann took the stage in San Diego to discuss research that has found evidence that the brain’s cannabis receptors may be used to treat chronic pain, without the side effects associated with opioid-based pain relievers or medical marijuana. The study was discussed during the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, the world’s largest source of emerging news about brain science and health. The IU study found that a compound that modulates the activity of the brain’s receptors for THC and endocannabinoids reduced chronic pain. These modulating compounds, called positive allosteric modulators or PAMs, work by binding to a recently discovered site on a cannabinoid receptor in the brain. USA – Effects of Smoking Marijuana on The Human Brain Numerous studies tout marijuana for its brain protective benefits, from helping brain cells grow to shielding the brain from chronic stress. However, a new study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease suggests long-term marijuana use may reduce blood flow to the brain, specifically the hippocampus, and increase the susceptibility for Alzheimer’s disease.”As a physician who routinely sees marijuana users, what struck me was not only the global reduction in blood flow in the marijuana users’ brains, but that the hippocampus was the most affected region due to its role in memory and Alzheimer’s disease,” said Dr. Elisabeth Jorandby, co-author of the study. The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2016. USA – Recreational marijuana use on the rise among adults over 50 Dr. Han and his team led a study called, “Demographic Trends among Older Cannabis Users in the United States, 2006-2013”, published in the journal, Addiction. The study sought to determine the trends in the prevalence and patterns of cannabis use, attitudes towards cannabis use, and determine correlates of use among adults over the age of 50. The authors found a 71{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} increase in marijuana use among adults aged 50 and older between 2006 and 2013. Adults ages 65 and older had a significantly lower prevalence of marijuana use compared to those ages 50-64, but prevalence of use increased two and a half times over eight years. Overall, prevalence was higher among men than women through all years.  

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 02 December 2016


Chile – Women give preborn children a voice

Poland – Payments aimed at reducing number of abortions USA – Planned Parenthood prepares for defunding Northern Ireland – Hundreds of thousands say no to abortion Alternative Medicine Malawi – Concern at murder of Malawian Albinos Euthanasia

USA – Anorexic Woman Allowed to Starve Herself to Death

IVF& Surrogacy Cambodia – Government bans commercial surrogacy Medical Ethics India – Head of World Medical Association fighting corruption charges USA – Nursing Homes to Starve Patients to Death USA – Update: AMA approves modernized Code of Medical Ethics UK – Dying British teenager wins right to be cryogenically preserved Pedophilia

No news today

Pornography USA – Wal-Mart pulls book with nude photos of children from online site Russia – Citizens shut down US artist’s ‘child porn’ exhibit South Africa – Pornography helped turn Hlomane into UCT rapist Spain – Police arrest 56 in internet child porn operation Same Sex Attraction Mexico – Same Sex ‘marriage’ rejected by nationwide protests USA – Exposing the LGBT fraud that science supports Sexual Exploitation USA – Group to use billboard campaign to curb sex trafficking demand South Africa – Durban Inn Town Lodge human traffickers jailed for 85 years Ireland – New campaign urges men to stand against sex trafficking Substance Abuse USA – Could America’s top cop send marijuana legalization up in smoke? South Africa – Process starts to legalise medical cannabis for chronic illness USA – Does marijuana weaken heart muscles? Norway – Cannabis abuse possible cause of psychosis


Chile – Women give preborn children a voice

One of the biggest hurdles the pro-life movement has to clear is convincing pro-abortion activists that preborn children are independent living human beings. The Reivindica Feminist Movement confronted the abortion culture in Chile with an amazing demonstration by meeting at Plaza de la Constitution and marching together to the government buildings. But they didn’t chant or carry signs; instead, they let their preborn babies do all the talking. The women strapped fetal monitors to their stomachs, amplifying the sound of their babies’ heartbeats with megaphones. The powerful protest by the women of Chile is a stark reminder that these babies are human beings from when they are conceived.

Poland – Payments aimed at reducing number of abortions Poland’s anti-abortion conservative government has passed a new law, the so-called For Life payment, promising parents of children born disabled or facing life-threatening disease a once-off €926 payment, in a bid to cut the number of abortions. PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski said he hoped the new payment would encourage mothers to carry to term even children with no chance of survival, to allow Baptism or a blessing and burial. The PiS-dominated parliament backed the plan by 267 to 140, and it cleared the Sejm in just 48 hours, with 21 abstentions. USA – Planned Parenthood prepares for defunding The President-elect proposed defunding Planned Parenthood, if it continued to offer abortions; he promised to nominate an anti-abortion justice to the Supreme Court; and he promised to repeal Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, which affect access to birth control. The Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, is an implacable foe of Planned Parenthood, and was amongst the first to propose defunding the organization. In 2014, the organisation received US$528 million in state and federal funding, representing about 40 percent of its annual budget. Northern Ireland – Hundreds of thousands say no to abortion Members of Precious Life were outside Stormont Parliament Buildings to challenge Amnesty International’s claimed 45,000 strong petition calling for legalised abortion in Northern Ireland. Bernadette Smyth, the director of Precious Life, argued that Amnesty’s claim of a “45,000 strong petition” holds no weight and should not be taken seriously by the Northern Ireland Assembly. Members of Precious Life delivered forty-seven boxes containing over 300,000 pro-life petitions at the foot of the steps of Stormont Parliament Buildings. “This will be a powerful reminder to our elected representatives that their voters do not want abortion in Northern Ireland,” concluded Ms. Smyth.

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Alternative Medicine

Malawi – Concern at murder of Malawian Albinos A 2016 Amnesty International report released has exposed a wave of violent attacks against people with albinism in the Southern African country. Killings of people with albinism are fuelled by a belief that their bones bring wealth and good luck and that body parts are believed to be sold to practitioners of traditional medicine in Malawi and Mozambique for use in charms and potions. Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International’s Director for Southern Africa, said no one should be discriminated against because of their appearance. 83

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USA – Anorexic Woman Allowed to Starve Herself to Death According to Bioethicist Wesley J. Smith, we have reached the point where mentally ill people are being allowed to commit suicide or to die from their psychiatric afflictions. In Belgium, a chronic self-harmer was voluntarily euthanized and organs harvested. And in California, a regulation permits the involuntarily institutionalized mentally ill who are dying to be released for the purpose of committing assisted suicide. And now, a court has ordered that a woman with anorexia not be kept alive through forced feeding even though it means she will starve herself to death. ‘I understand autonomy. But by definition, this poor woman is not competent to make decisions about herself and her own wellbeing with regard to food’ said Smith. 118

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Cambodia – Country bans commercial surrogacy The Cambodian health ministry distributed a letter to about 50 surrogacy providers and brokers, informing them of the new ban and asking all medical professionals to comply with the injunction. “Surrogacy, one of a set of services to have a baby by assisted reproductive technology, is completely banned,” the letter said. The ministry said commercial sperm donation is also banned and clinics and specialist doctors providing in-vitro fertilisation services will require ministry permission to operate.

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Medical Ethics

India – Head of World Medical Association fighting corruption charges The new president of the World Medical Association, Indian urologist Ketan Desai, is facing corruption charges. Since the aim of the WMA is “to establish and promote the highest possible standards of ethical behaviour and care by physicians” this is bound to tarnish its image. The WMA has forged a number of pioneering ethical standards and represents millions of doctors. The American Medical Association and the British Medical Association are members. It is alleged, when he was president of the Indian Medical Association he accepted a bribe of 20 million rupees (US$450,000 at the time) from a medical college to smooth the way for enlarging its student intake, a charge he denies. USA – Nursing Homes to Starve Patients to Death Bioethicist Wesley Smith writes that it is shocking that New York Times columnist Paula Span is promoting suicide by starvation, known as “voluntary stop eating and drinking.” Now legal in five states, it doesn’t require governmental action or physicians’ authorization. This is suicide by starvation, and it is agonizing, usually requiring a doctor to provide palliation to make the process bearable. Patients don’t need a terminal diagnosis, and they don’t have to prove mental capacity. Several states, including Wisconsin and New York, forbid health care surrogates to stop food and fluids. Geriatric depression is a terrible problem in our society. The last thing depressed oldsters need is a writer on aging issues pushing self-starvation as a splendid way out. USA – Update: AMA approves modernized Code of Medical Ethics The AMA has voted to adopt a modernized version of its Code of Medical Ethics after an 8-year process. The project, which included “substantial invited feedback,” had three primary goals :Improve relevance through language that applies to contemporary medical practice; Focus on clarity, by improving structure and formatting; and increase consistency, by consolidating related issues into a single, comprehensive statement.“The modernization project ensures that the Code of Medical Ethics will remain a useful and effective resource that physicians can continue to rely on, while remaining faithful to the virtues of fidelity, humanity, loyalty, tenderness, confidentiality and integrity enshrined in the original code,” said Steven J. Stack, MD, AMA president. The new code is opposed to assisted suicide/euthanasia but allows abortion.{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4}7B30a7bbc8-19a9-458b-9f33-2ebd82919051{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4}7D/ama-votes-to-modernize-code-of-medical-ethics UK – Dying British teenager wins right to be cryogenically preserved A 14-year-old girl dying of cancer has won a court battle to be cryogenically frozen in the hope of being revived in 200 years’ time. Justice Jackson said “I cannot emphasize enough what this case is not about. It is not about whether cryonic preservation has any scientific basis or whether it is right or wrong. The court is not approving or encouraging cryonics, still less ordering that JS’s body should be cryonically preserved. Nor is this case about whether JS’s wishes are sensible or not. We are all entitled to our feelings and beliefs about our own life and death, and none of us has the right to tell anyone else – least of all a young person in JS’s position – what they must think.”

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USA – Wal-Mart pulls book with nude photos of children from online site Under pressure from the National Centre on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), is no longer selling a book of photographs by controversial photographer Jock Sturges. Sturges’ photographs have been severely criticized by pro-family leaders for their nude and semi-nude pictures of teens, adolescents, and children as young as three. NCOSE Executive Director Dawn Hawkins and her pro-woman organization issued a call for Wal-Mart to remove the publications from its online sales, along with other sexually-charged books and magazines from its store shelves. The online petition received thousands of signatures within the first 24 hours. Wal-Mart responded by stopping sales of Sturges’ book. Russia – Citizens shut down US artist’s ‘child porn’ exhibit A cadre of camouflaged non-government officers blocked access to an exhibit by controversial American photographer Jock Sturges, whose exhibits often features naked teenagers. Sturges’ exhibit, titled “Absence of Shame,” became embroiled in public controversy when bloggers criticized his display by exposing some of his nude and semi-nude pictures of teens, adolescents, and children, some reportedly as young as three. In response to the controversy, Putin’s newly appointed Children’s Rights commissioner, Anna Kuznetsova, began an investigation into Sturges’ exhibit. South Africa – Pornography helped turn Hlomane into UCT rapist Within hours of watching porn movies, MthunziHlomane 43, unleashed a reign of terror on women with braided hair similar to that worn by the porn actresses. He ADVERTISING invented by Teadsadmitted attacking female students near the Rhodes Memorial at the University of Cape Town between November 2015 and February 2016. He was sentenced to nine life terms for rape. He utilised his cell phone to watch adult pornography. In many of these films the female performers had braids which aroused in him a preference for women with braids. Armed with a knife, stick or rock, Hlomane waited near the secluded Rhodes Memorial and there confronted his defenceless victims. Spain – Police arrest 56 in internet child porn operation Spanish police confirmed that they have arrested 56 men in a nationwide operation against internet child pornography. A police statement said the detainees are suspected of distributing abusive images involving children on peer-to-peer internet file-sharing sites. Those arrested were mostly Spaniards, aged between 40 and 60. It said officers seized some 170 hard discs and 600 CDs and DVDs containing child pornographic material in nearly 40 house raids. The arrests took place over several months in provinces across Spain. The statement said the operation was the result of an 18-month investigation.

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Same Sex Attraction

Mexico – Same Sex ‘marriage’ rejected by nationwide protests Months of repeated national protests against Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s initiative to amend the constitution to create homosexual “marriage,” has been killed by a committee vote in the nation’s Chamber of Deputies, with a majority of members of the president’s own party voting against it. Support for the bill had become politically impossible for most of the deputies on the committee after hundreds of thousands of Mexicans flocked to pro-family demonstrations after the announcement of the initiative. The bill would have allowed same-sex couples to “marry,” and also permit them to adopt children, an effect that is particularly offensive to a majority of Mexicans, who are strong supporters of the traditional family. USA – Exposing the LGBT fraud that science supports In a report published in The New Atlantis journal, author Dr. Paul McHugh, one of the leading psychiatrists in the world and other scientists conclude: “born that way” and ‘’woman feeling trapped in man’s body’’ or ‘’man feeling trapped in woman’s body’’ is not supported by scientific evidence. Additionally, a minority of children who express gender-atypical thoughts or behaviour will continue to do so growing up. There is no evidence that these children should be encouraged to become transgender, much less undergo hormone treatments or surgery. Homosexuals have higher rates of mental health problems (anxiety, depression, suicide), as well as behavioural and social problems (substance abuse, intimate partner violence), than the general population and discrimination alone does not account for the entire disparity.

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Sexual Exploitation

USA – Group hopes to use billboard campaign to curb sex trafficking demand Young women are bringing an important message to the Kansas City metropolitan area in hopes of stopping sex trafficking. Women are taking their message to the streets in a billboard campaign that speaks out against human trafficking and also to target those creating the demand. The problem here is much bigger and more complex than law enforcement alone, said Alison Phillips, of KC Street Hope. The billboard the group wants to install features an image to spotlight the main demographic of buyers, which is an upper-middle class white man with a wedding ring looking down at his hand while he’s getting arrested. The women behind the campaign hope that men like these will see the billboard and think twice. South Africa – Durban Inn Town Lodge human traffickers jailed for 85 years Three men convicted of human trafficking and running a brothel with girls as young as 12 years old were sentenced to an effective 85 years in jail. Durban Regional Court Magistrate Simphiwe Hlophe sentenced Sandile Patrick Zweni, 41, Nonduzo Dlamini, 27, and Bhabha Dubazini, 33, who were found guilty of a host of charges related to the prostitution ring that Zweni operated from a Durban Hotel. “Human trafficking is one of the world’s most shameful crimes,” said Hlophe. “What these girls endured was difficult and painful.” He said that it became apparent that the only way the girls could deal with the prostitution was to take the drugs. Ireland – New campaign urges men to stand against sex trafficking Most Irish men have never paid for sex and claim that they never will, but can still play a vital role in fighting the “enslavement” of women caught up in the sex trade, the launch of a male-focused campaign against prostitution and sex trafficking has heard. The campaign, named Prostitution We Don’t Buy It, is the first all-island project to ask Irish males to stand up against prostitution and sex trafficking. The campaign offers new information about perceptions of the sex trade and could be a turning point against legalizing prostitution. Sarah Benson, chief executive of Ruhama, one of the main campaign partners, said there needed to be recognition “that most Irish men never have and never will purchase sex”.

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Substance Abuse

USA – Could America’s top cop send marijuana legalization up in smoke? President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general has set the marijuana industry ablaze. More specifically, his nomination has left supporters of pot legalization troubled about what his confirmation could mean for the future of legalization efforts at the state level given that the drug remains illegal under federal law. “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” Sessions said during a Senate hearing. “We need grownups in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized.” enforcement/index.html?sr=fbCNN111916sessions-marijuana-enforcement0207AMVODtopLink&linkId=31340018 South Africa – Process starts to legalise medical cannabis for chronic illness The Department of Health and the Medicines Control Council announced in Parliament that it will soon request public comment on the Medical Innovation Bill. The new regulatory framework could be available by the end of January 2017 for stakeholder comment and could be implemented by April 2017. The Bill will make cannabis legal for medicinal use in SA without going through the necessary clinical trials all other medicines are subject to. No known medicine is smoked due to adverse effects created by carcinogens in the smoke and inability to control exact dosage. USA – Does marijuana weaken heart muscles? Five more states voted to legalize recreational marijuana, but users may want to be cautious. A study presented at the annual scientific conference of the American Heart Association in New Orleans suggests that marijuana use can weaken heart muscles, particularly in young men. Recognizing the possible adverse health effects of smoking pot to get high, the researchers examined the link between marijuana use and heart health. The report also found that marijuana users were more likely to use tobacco and illicit substances, as well as suffer from depression, than non-marijuana users. Norway – Cannabis abuse possible cause of psychosis Researchers from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), together with colleagues from Virginia Commonwealth University, examined the relationship between cannabis and psychosis using psychiatric interviews of Norwegian twins. The interviews reveal whether the twins had symptoms of psychosis and cannabis abuse. Cannabis abuse increased the risk by 3.5 times. “Our analyses showed a significant association between cannabis abuse and symptoms of psychosis in the general population. It appears that cannabis abuse can cause psychosis,” says Eivind Ystrom, senior researcher at NIPH. The study was published in the Oxford Journal.

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Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International


LIFEalerts 10 November 2016

Abortion USA – Pro-Abortionists Oppose Law to Bury or Cremate Aborted babies USA – Are third trimester abortions for real? Alternative Medicine Vietnam – Dubious herbal medicines harm kidneys USA – Study finds cranberries ineffective against urinary infections Euthanasia USA – Washington, D.C Approves Physician-Assisted Suicide IVF& Surrogacy No news today Medical Ethics EU – European regulator to release all data from clinical trials Japan – What if we could make eggs and sperm from skin cells? UK – Power to the patient: new consent regulations USA – WHO to create universal right to a child Pedophilia China – Child bride alarms for Chinas gender imbalance Indonesia – President to ‘wipe out pedophilia’ with chemical castration UK – Brains of pedophiles who abuse are different Turkey – Introduction chemical castration for sex offenders Pornography UK – 13,000 request help to quit child sex abuse images in one year Ireland – Taoiseach in call for national debate on pornography Same SexAttraction USA – North Carolina loses jobs due to LGBT law China – No guarantee on same-sex vote SexualExploitation Qatar – Country to set up committee that fights human trafficking USA – Hair salons join in the fight against human trafficking Germany – Letter to UN women South Africa – Human trafficking on the rise in Northern Cape Substance Abuse USA – A FAAH Better Thing for Cannabis Users South Africa – Alarming drug statistics USA – Pot Smokers Face a Higher Risk of Drinking Problems UK – Professor: Get addicts off heroin rather than open shooting gallery


USA – Pro-Abortionists Oppose Law to Bury or Cremate Aborted babies Pro-abortion activists flocked outside the office of the Health and Human Services in Texas to oppose the state’s proposed rule to bury or cremate aborted babies. Pro-Choice activists claimed the state is attempting to deny access to abortion. Presently, aborted babies are thrown away like rubbish. They are sometimes incinerated or dumped in a sanitary landfill. Health commission spokesman Bryan Black said the new regulations are meant to keep the “human dignity” of aborted babies. Activists claimed the new rule would increase costs of procedures and hinder those that want the abortion. However, health spokeswoman Carrie Williams said the new rule will offset costs currently being spent by facilities that transport, store, incinerate, and/or landfill disposal. USA – Are third trimester abortions for real? Former abortion clinic director turned pro-life advocate, Abby Johnson, confirmed that late-term abortion is legal and performed up until birth in the U.S. Johnson exposes the lie of those who defend late-term abortion as only done in cases of terminal diagnoses, either of the mother or baby. Johnson said that late-term abortion is done for any reason as long as the mother checks a box on her chart saying it affects her ‘life or health.’ No proof is needed.  Many obstetricians noted that late-term abortion is never necessary to save the life of the mother. A medical induction may be necessary, but never an abortion. <Back to Top>

Alternative Medicine

Vietnam – Dubious herbal medicines harm kidneys Patients with chronic kidney failure are putting their lives at risks when they use herbal medicines of unclear origins. Speaking at a conference on drug quality and origin control last month, Truong Quoc Cuong, head of the Drug Administration of Vietnam under the Health Ministry, announced that traditional herbal medicines of poor quality dominated the domestic market. Pham Vu Khanh, head of the Traditional Medicine Association, said that only 2.3 per cent of herbal medicines consumed in the country are imported with clear origin, which implies rampant smuggling. Traditional medicines should be purchased at certified medical centers in order to reduce health risks. y/165483/dubious-herbal-meds-harm-kidneys.html USA – Study finds cranberries ineffective against urinary infections Another folk medicine remedy bites the dust. Cranberry capsules didn’t prevent or cure urinary infections in nursing home residents in a study challenging persistent unproven claims to the contrary. The new study led by Dr Manisha Juthani-Mehta, a Yale University infectious disease specialist, published online in the Journal of the American Medical Association, used rigorous methods and the results are convincing, according to a journal editorial. People who think they have a urinary infection should avoid cranberry products “in place of proven treatments for infections”, according to the National Institutes of Health alternative medicine branch. <Back to Top>


USA – Washington, D.C Approves Physician-Assisted Suicide The Washington, D.C council approved the law by 11-2 votes although it still has to be passed into law, with the dissenters requesting their names be recorded. Physician-assisted suicide is also legal in California, Washington State, Vermont, Oregon and Montana. <Back to Top>


No news today <Back to Top>

Medical Ethics

EU – European regulator to release all data from clinical trials The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is implementing a policy of publishing all clinical data it receives from pharmaceutical companies, to promote transparency in clinical trials. The EMA intends to release all Clinical Study Reports applications since 1 January 2015. The policy, adopted in 2014, “will benefit academic research and the practice of medicine as a whole”, says EMA executive director Guido Rasi. The policy shift comes in the wake of an ongoing campaign by lobbyists to have all trials registered and results reported. Some 700 medical and patient organizations had lobbied for data release under the AllTrials campaign. The US branch of AllTrials is actively lobbying the Food and Drug Administration to adopt a similar policy to the EMA. Japan – What if we could make eggs and sperm from skin cells? Reproductive biologist Katsuhiko Hayashi and team from Kyushu University in Japan have managed to create eggs from the skin cells of mice, and have used the eggs to produce several new mice. They reprogrammed the skin cells into to embryonic-like stem cells and then into primordial germ cells which give rise to gametes – which are used to form mature eggs, which can then be inseminated with sperm and brought to term. While scientists say it will be several years before anyone creates “oocyte-like” human eggs, reproductive biologist Azim Surani from the University of Cambridge told Nature, “This is the right time to involve the wider public in these discussions, long before and in case the procedure becomes feasible in humans.” UK – Power to the patient: new consent regulations The Royal College of Surgeons published new guidelines for surgeons, instructing doctors to make no assumptions about the information a patient might want or need; the patient should decide which risks are material. In 2015 Supreme Court case Montgomery vs Lanarkshire Health Board, seven judges agreed that doctors must tell patients not only what they think they need to know but also the risks that might matter to the patient. Nadine Montgomery, whose son has cerebral palsy, was awarded £5.25m compensation because doctors did not explain the very small risk associated with a normal birth in her case – she is small and a type 1 diabetic. USA – WHO to create universal right to a child The World Health Organisation may redefine infertility so everyone who wants a child but cannot will be considered infertile. Dr David Adamson, an American IVF physician said: “The definition of infertility is now written in such a way that it includes the rights of all individuals to have a family, and that includes single men, single women, homosexual men and women. It says an individual’s got a right to reproduce whether or not they have a partner. It fundamentally alters who should be included in this group and who should have access to healthcare.” Currently the WHO defines infertility as “a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse”. <Back to Top>


China – Child bride alarms for Chinas gender imbalance A pregnant 12 year old Vietnamese girl has shocked China, highlighting the impact of a gender imbalance that is not expected to improve for some time. The girl was a victim of human trafficking, police said. Public prosecutors in Xuzhou said she had been abducted in her home country before being transported to China and sold to a 35-year-old man for $4,465. A cultural preference for sons meant that female babies were aborted and/or abandoned. China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission admitted in 2015 that the country had a serious and widespread gender imbalance and announced that it would ease family planning restrictions to allow all couples to have two children. Indonesia – President to ‘wipe out paedophilia’ with chemical castration Indonesian President Joko Widodo has defended the introduction of chemical castration for pedophiles, saying there can be “no compromise” when it comes to wrestling sex crimes. Widodo introduced a series of tough punishments for child sex offenders in May through an emergency decree, including chemical castration, following an outcry over the fatal gang-rape of a schoolgirl. “In my opinion… chemical castration, if we enforce it consistently, will reduce sex crimes and wipe them out over time,” he said. Indonesia is among other places worldwide which use this method, including Poland and some states in the USA. In 2011 South Korea became the first Asian country to legalise the treatment. UK – Brains of pedophiles who abuse are different Researchers, led by Dr Christian Kaergel, of University of Duisburg-Essen, suggested their research could help lead to new treatments for pedophilia as they were able to distinguish between offending and non-offending people. Scientists used an MRI scanner to study the brains of 40 Pedophiles and 37 pedophiles that never abused, along with 40 people used as controls. The researchers found “inhibition-related activation” of two areas of the brain; the left posterior cingulate and left superior frontal cortex, in the non-offending group. They wrote in the journal Human Brain Mapping. “Data suggests that heightened inhibition-related recruitment of these areas also decreased amount of commission errors is related to better inhibitory control in pedophiles who successfully avoid offences.” Turkey – Introduction chemical castration for sex offenders Turkey has introduced chemical castration to eliminate the sexual drive of convicted pedophiles. The regulation was published in the Official Gazette on Wednesday, 26 July. The regulation also says further punishments will be given to non-compliant convicts. Under the new regulation, sex offenders are obliged to join treatment programmes. They are also barred from approaching areas where their victim works or lives, and cannot work where they would be in contact with children. The regulation won’t apply to under 18’s. <Back to Top>


UK – 13,000 request help to quit child sex abuse images in one year According to a leading charity called STOP IT NOW, more than 13,000 people have sought help to stop viewing indecent images of children. A further 1,615 people with concerns about their online behaviour called the charity’s confidential hotline. Constable Bailey said: “Viewing sex images of children is illegal and it is not a victimless crime, children in these images are abused when an image is first taken and repeatedly victimised every time that image is viewed.’’ Founder of Stop it Now, Donald Findlater, said many such men started out looking at adult pornography but ended up looking at pornography of increasingly younger people, including children. Ireland – Taoiseach in call for national debate on pornography Enda Kenny, the Taoiseach (head of government) has called for a national debate on pornography and the effects on young people being exposed. According to Kenny some young minds are being “tainted and even corrupted” by such material. He asked for a national conversation about what is important for their children and what a priority is for their children. Mr Kenny stated the matter is part of their agenda for a better and caring Ireland where kids can deal with these things when they come across them. His comments were welcomed by the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. <Back to Top>

Same Sex Attraction

USA – North Carolina loses jobs due to LGBT law North Carolina’s law bans transgender people from using the bathroom and prevents municipalities from protecting LGBT people from discrimination. Because of this PayPal backed out of a 400-job expansion and Deutsche Bank froze a 250-job expansion, both companies openly stating they refused to expand in a state with a discriminatory law. They have also lost several prominent sporting events, such as the NBA All-Star Gamevarious NCAA championships, and the ACC championships, each a significant economic impact the state will no longer enjoy. Additionally, there are countless conventions, entertainers, and film companies that have backed out of economic commitments in North Carolina. Numerous states have even banned state-funded travel to the state. China – No guarantee on same-sex vote No major party has made any commitment to push or allow a floor vote on same-sex marriage, despite claims of support by legislators. Representatives of the Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy Association met separately with representatives of each of the legislature’s four caucuses. The reality was that some legislators are worried about pressure from their districts, adding that the KMT caucus decided to designate legalization as an “open” issue, allowing lawmakers to vote their conscience. Thirteen legislators are opposed. <Back to Top>

Sexual Exploitation

Qatar – Country to set up committee that fights human trafficking Qatar’s cabinet on Wednesday approved a proposal by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs to set up the human trafficking committee. It will be tasked with devising a national strategy to combat human trafficking in Qatar and preparing an annual report on its efforts in the field. Qatar remains on the US government’s human trafficking ‘watch list’ for the third year running. The 2016 report said that Qatar was making “significant” efforts to tackle the problem but more work needed to be done. USA – Hair salons join in the fight against human trafficking Janai Hunt, the owner of Prime Hair Studios in Lyndhurst along with 100,000 other cosmetologists throughout the state of Ohio, is the latest allies in the fight against human trafficking. More than 1,000 girls and boys, between the ages of 12 and 17, are involved in the sex trade. Last year, Ohio’s state cosmetology board approved a requirement that human-trafficking awareness training become a mandatory part of obtaining a cosmetology license. Part of the training is how to spot potential victims, example: Officials say traffickers take a victim to a hair salon to change appearances to avoid detection. Things a stylist can look out for when a victim is in the chair; victim’s attire, eye contact, and who pays. Germany – Letter to UN women by scientists Dr. Ingeborg Kraus a psychologist and expert in psychotraumatology and a group of scientists and health experts in Germany that offer prostitutes therapy and medical assistance, authored a manifesto declaring that there is no ‘’good prostitution.’’ They demand a law that penalises the sex buyers because it is contradictory on the one hand, that they ‘’repair women’’ while a policy incites men to ‘’break women’’. They want to make known the realities of prostitution and its harmful effects on health, also the disastrous effects of a law legalising prostitution, and draw attention to the presence and voice of health experts who are in direct contact with the victims of prostitution. This manifesto was signed by most influential trauma psychologists and specialists in Germany. South Africa – Human trafficking on the rise in Northern Cape Human trafficking is on the rise in Kuruman, Northern Cape. The Hawks say syndicates are targeting vulnerable rural girls, who are looking for better opportunities. The crime fighting unit has embarked on an awareness campaign, cautioning parents and traditional leaders about the growing trend. Hawks Provincial Head, Major-General Kholekile Galawe, says, “It’s not easy for a victim to come forward freely. If I may give an example of a prostitute, some of those people you see out there are not doing that job for their own benefit. They are working for other people.” The Hawks say it’s an uphill battle, trying to persuade victims to testify in court. Victims and their families often get death threats from the syndicates.–20161101 <Back to Top>

Substance Abuse

USA – A FAAH Better Thing for Cannabis Users A new paper in Biological Psychiatry reports that chronic cannabis users have reduced levels of an enzyme called fatty acid amide hydrolyses (FAAH). The enzyme has been considered for treatment for cannabis dependence because it breaks down substances made in the brain that have cannabis-like effects, called endocannabinoids, rendering them inactive. “This exciting study sheds new light on cannabis dependence,” said John Krystal, Editor of Biological Psychiatry. The study provides clues that may help develop treatments for cannabis use disorder for which none currently exist, due in part to our poor understanding of how cannabis affects brain systems. South Africa – Alarming drug statistics Drug use in South Africa is twice the world norm and 15{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of the population have a drug problem. Drug abuse costs ZAR20-billion and 60{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} of crimes nationally were related to substance abuse. The perpetrators of these crimes are either under the influence of substances or trying to secure money for their next fix. Since the SA Narcotics Bureau closure in 2004 drug-related crimes have increased by 30{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} and the United Nations World Drug Report had named SA as one of the world’s drug capitals. The abuse of alcohol and usage of dagga has led to the country being one of the top ten narcotics and alcohol abusers in the world. USA – Pot Smokers Face a Higher Risk of Drinking Problems Of the more than 2,400 people surveyed, 18 percent said they tended to use alcohol and marijuana simultaneously and were three times more likely to drive drunk, 6.5 times more likely to experience alcohol-related financial problems and four times more likely to experience alcohol-related health problems, compared with those who used only alcohol, according to the study. They also reported drinking more frequently, and consuming higher amounts of alcohol. The survey took place from 2014 to 2015 in Washington State where recreational marijuana use was legalized in 2012. Researcher Meenakshi Subbaraman, a biostatistician at the Alcohol Research Group presented the study at the American Public Health Association. UK – Professor: Get addicts off drugs rather than open shooting gallery The UK’s first heroin “shooting gallery” allowing drug addicts to inject themselves is set to open in Glasgow, after the controversial project was approved by council chiefs. The facility aims to provide clean needles and a connected facility will give some addicts “medical-grade” heroin. However, Professor Neil McKeganey of the Centre of Drug Misuse Research said NHS and council resources should be put into getting addicts off drugs altogether rather than helping them continue with their destructive habit. “We surveyed over 1,000 drug addicts in Scotland [where] less than 5{01b0879e117dd7326006b2e84bcaac7e8fa1509c5c67baf2c9eb498fe06caff4} said they wanted to help to inject more safely and the overwhelming majority said they wanted help to become drugs free,” he argued.  <Back to Top> Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of Doctors for Life International]]>