LIFEalerts – Sexual Exploitation

Sexual Exploitation

USA – Children, Women Rescued in Ohio Sex Trafficking Raids

Authorities announced the rescue of more than 100 human trafficking victims, including 45 children, as part of a large operation in Ohio. The raids and enforcement actions also led to the arrest of 157 adults seeking sex with the victims.  More than 50 law enforcement agencies took part in Operation Autumn Hope, a state wide effort to tackle sex trafficking.  The operation yielded the arrests of 22 men who were seeking sex with minors. Another 157 would-be Johns were caught looking for sex with adult victims. During a news conference, Ohio Attorney General David Yost said that the difference between human trafficking and prostitution involved the force of a third party–a practice he said was akin to modern slavery. Read more

Germany – How COVID-19 influences prostitutes in Africa

In many places in Africa, sex for money is readily available, cheap, risky, and often illegal. The coronavirus makes it even worse. Gambia’s President ordered the closure of bars and nightclubs. Prostitution is widespread in Gambia but illegal.  SWEAT activist Turner sees the legalization and decriminalization of prostitution as the solution. “The arguments against legalization in South Africa are that prostitution contributes to child trafficking and is the reason for most HIV cases, which is not true,” says Turner. Doctors for Life disagrees with Turner’s belief because prostitution is inherently harmful based on studies done on the topic, and first-hand accounts of former prostitutes. Read more

LIFEalerts – Same Sex Attraction

Same Sex Attraction

Scotland – Judicial review against Scottish Ministers granted for redefining woman

The Court of Sessions granted permission on 16 October 2020 for a Judicial Review to proceed against Scottish Ministers for redefining “woman” and a substantive hearing has been set for 7th January 2021. For Women Scotland (FWS) is a network of women across Scotland campaigning against the Scottish Ministers. FWS believes the bill is fundamentally flawed and the Scottish Ministers acted unlawfully and in contravention of their duties under equality legislation which led to the Scottish Parliament exceeding its legislative competency in redefining “woman”. The bill does not require people to dress, look or behave in any particular way, but just using female pronouns and a female name on legal documents would be enough evidence of being female. Read more

USA – Physical interventions on minors to “affirm” a mistaken “gender identity” violate sound medical ethics

Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy. He writes on how a growing number of children in America and across the world are experiencing deep discomfort with their biological sex, known as gender dysphoria. Activists are trying to ban a psychological approach to help these children accept their bodies rather than irreversibly changing it with hormones and amputation of healthy body parts, by accusing practitioners of using abusive and harmful techniques. But they never provide credible evidence, and the therapy bans they support don’t target harmful practices. Sexual progressive activists really oppose being comfortable with one’s body.

“As a result, one-on-one counselling to help a teen struggling with body image due to anorexia would be permitted, but the very same counselling would be prohibited if the goal is to help a teen struggling with body image due to gender dysphoria. Activists use emotionally charged language, labelling all such techniques “conversion therapy.” They do not apply this label only to certain discredited techniques (such as electro-shock therapies), but to any therapeutic service—including basic talk therapy—to help a gender dysphoric youth feel comfortable without “transitioning.””

“The best outcome is always for people to feel comfortable in their own skin and with their sexuality. So why ban that intended goal? Indeed, even if one thought that sometimes “transitioning” was the best outcome for a particular patient, is it really credible to say that it is always the best—indeed the only legally permissible—outcome to work towards? It is absurd to pass laws banning therapy aimed at wholeness when we lack laws protecting children from actual unethical and harmful procedures in this area. As a preliminary point, the best available empirical studies show no benefit of either hormonal or surgical transition. But whatever one may think about the ethics of medical professionals’ “transitioning” adults, everyone should be able to agree that adults should not interfere with the natural, healthy development of the bodies and minds of children” Read more

South Africa – Same-sex couple discriminates against Beloftebos wedding venue owners

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has allegedly instituted an unfair discrimination case against Beloftebos wedding venue. Beloftebos indicated that it does not host same-sex weddings at the venue and, in doing so, they would violate their deeply held religious beliefs. Beloftebos owners also prohibits hosting events which celebrate Halloween, and events which request fortune telling booths etc. The same-sex couple is asking the court for a broad order, declaring that “the expression of religious beliefs as a basis on which to refuse to associate with or conduct business with a same-sex couple, constitutes hate speech and/or discrimination” in terms of the Equality Act.

If the Court were to make such an order, it would have broad implications – not only for Beloftebos, but for any business, organisation or even a private individual! Currently, Beloftebos is still waiting on the SAHRC, the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) and the Minister of Justice, to deliver their response to Beloftebos. According to the SAHRC, the reason for their delay is the Commission’s “need to meet with the Minister’s legal team to strategize on our approach”. Beloftebos’ attorneys have written to the SAHRC to express their “astonishment” at the SAHRC’s express admission in this regard – not only because the SAHRC and the Minister are (supposed to be) independent parties to the dispute, but also because the SAHRC is an independent Chapter 9 institution mandated to protect all citizens against abuse, including abuse by other organs / persons of State.  However, it is clear from the SAHRC’s response that it is in fact “strategizing” with the Minister against the very citizens the Commission is supposed to protect! This caucusing only serves as confirmation of the unfairness with which the SAHRC has been treating Beloftebos to date. Read more

South Africa – President Ramaphosa forces conscientious objectors to violate their beliefs

In a sad turn of events, president Ramaphosa has signed the 2020 Civil Union Amendment Act which forces marriage officers who object because of their deeply held beliefs, to solemnise a civil union between persons of the same sex. The laws follow a number of high-profile cases where a marriage officer refused to solemnise a same-sex couple. Constitutional law expert Pierre De Vos said that the change will finally bring an end to a “particularly egregious form of unfair discrimination” but now the law discriminates against individuals who seek to be faithful to their beliefs. It follows to expect more such forceful laws on conscientious objectors in other areas of society. Read more

Canada – Former homosexual man pleads with government not to criminalize therapy

Canada’s Members of Parliament (MP’s) are being urged not to pass Bill 8 – reintroduced by the by the liberals in October as Bill C-6 – which would criminalize conversion therapy for minors who struggle with same-sex attraction or transgender inclinations. A Canadian man in a series of videos pleads with MP’s not to criminalise therapy that helps minors deal with the same struggles he did. Campaign Life’s director of political operations Jack Fonseca said the videos are essential to counteract the media’s misleading portrayal of “conversion” therapy. “It won’t report on people like Hudson and the others in our video series who can testify to the personal experience of finding healing for therapy and/or spiritual counselling to walk away from an LGBT lifestyle.” Read more

LIFEalerts – Pornography


South Africa – Smart Choices: A value-Based CSE-Alternative

In March 2020, a group of educationalists, motivated by the nationwide controversy and sparked by revelations of the harmful ideology entrenched in “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” (CSE), met to initiate and develop a values-based sexuality education curriculum that adopts a sexual health, wellness, and character-building approach. CSE is currently being imposed on South Africa’s public schooling system by the Department of Basic Education – despite overwhelming public opposition. Most parents and educators are deeply concerned by the age-inappropriate content and sexually explicit illustrations evident throughout the program. Sharon Slater, President of Family Watch International and the UN Family Rights Caucus were deeply disturbed to discover that the program is a Trojan Horse for abortion and LGBTQI propaganda aimed at indoctrinating impressionable young children. “Smart Choices” – the new values-based sexuality education curriculum – provides a safe and credible alternative to the harmful ideology of CSE. Smart Choices is based on traditional and common-sense values shared by most of South Africans. Read more, Read about the program here

Australia – Major study finds Revenge porn is linked to family violence

Explicit images can be used as a form of control in abusive relationships. A study released recently looks at how revenge porn cases — which survivors and experts say are better described as image-based sexual abuse — were handled in Victorian courts over a period of four years. The report, the first of its kind in Australia, found 58 per cent were committed in the context of family violence. Image-based abuse occurs when intimate, nude or sexual images are distributed without the consent of those pictured. This includes real, altered (e.g. Photoshopped) and drawn pictures and videos. Criminologist Asher Flynn’s surveys of people across Australia, New Zealand, and the UK suggested one in three people had been the victim of this type of abuse. Read more

LIFEalerts – Paedophilia


USA – The American College of Pediatricians comments on Netflix sexualizing young girls

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) condemned one of the most subscribed streaming platforms in the world, Netflix, for the release of a documentary called “Cuties”. The French film sexualizes a group of 11-year-old girls by showing how these girls dance to exploitative music with extremely sexualized ‘dance moves’ such as twerking and grinding. ACPeds, which includes experts in Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking, deems this film not only offensive but also dangerous. 

Dr. Joseph Zanga, ACPeds member and past President of two national pediatric organizations stated, “Fed by soft pornography media such as this, millions of the world’s children (at the age of the “stars” of this film) are groomed and then forced into sex slavery by porn addicts, many of whom will likely be this film’s most enthusiastic viewers. Child Sex Trafficking is a multibillion-dollar criminal industry, which Netflix will encourage by the debut of this film to a receptive, or soon to be receptive, audience.” 

Children today are hurting, and this film sets the stage to exploit and compound the adverse childhood experiences from which far too many youth already suffer. Therefore, Dr. Zanga added, “It is unethical, and perhaps even criminal, for Netflix to contribute to the societal dangers these children already face. Responsible and ethical adults understand that we have a duty to protect our nation’s children. For the sake of our children’s health and wellbeing, this frightening excuse for entertainment must be deleted from Netflix’s schedule as well as from its library.”

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) joins thousands of others in calling out Netflix for allowing such a film on their platform and demands its immediate removal. Read more

UK – Report: Paedophiles on Twitter and Instagram

A London-based group of over 100 parents have begun campaigning to have social media sites like Instagram and Twitter remove the accounts of paedophiles who are reportedly using cheese and pizza emojis as code to share images. The group warned that paedophiles are taking and sharing seemingly innocent pictures of children uploaded by parents in order to pass them around to predators on social media.  An online child protection expert and former member of the British Government’s Council for Internet Safety, John Carr OBE, said that the “horrifying” practise needs to be stamped out by tech companies.  A spokesman for Twitter added: “Twitter has a zero-tolerance policy for child sexual exploitation content. We aggressively fight online child sexual abuse and have heavily invested in technology and tools to enforce our policy. Read more

LIFEalerts – Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine

Nigeria – FEC Approves bill on establishment of traditional

The ministry of health presented a memo on a bill to establish the council for traditional, Alternative and complementary medicine practice in Nigeria. This is a memo that seeks to take traditional and complementary medicine out of obscurity and give it a profile to institutionalise it as has been done in other countries like China and India. He said the emergence of Coronavirus has renewed the call for home grown solutions to public health diseases and value in Traditional medicines. And the proposed law, when approved, would also help protect the intellectual property of traditional medicine practitioners in the country. Read more

South Africa – Health Supplements, complementary medicines will soon no longer be regulated                                                                                                                                       

Health supplements and complementary medicines – which are not programmed prescription as defined by the Medicine’s Act – will soon no longer be regulated by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority, which controls all medicines, including scheduled remedies. Judge Elizabeth Kubushi gave the minister of health and the regulatory authority 12 months to determine how best to adjust these alternative medicines. She said 12 months should give the health authorities ample time to decide how best to regulate this popular industry. The order was sparked by the Alliance of Natural Health Products in South Africa assume the minister of health did not have the power to add alternative and supplementary medications to the same regulations as that of scheduled medicines. It said the definition of alternative medicines was too broad and included products that did not fall under the meaning of remedy at all. Read more

LIFEalerts – Abortion


Malawi – Seeks to introduce extreme abortion bill up to birth

An extreme abortion Bill, which would allow abortion on demand, with no age restriction or parental consent, right up to birth is being introduced in Malawi. Malawi’s Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship expressed ‘grave concern’ saying, those supporting the legislation have founded their arguments mainly on the premise that it will protect women and reduce maternal mortality which is high in the country. However, abortion is not needed to achieve low maternal mortality rates. “At Nkhoma Hospital in rural Lilongwe, maternal mortality rates fell from 1518/100,000 to 109/100,000 between 2008 and 2015 by improving obstetric care within the confines of the current restrictive abortion law.”

“An in-depth review of 58 maternal deaths at the same hospital, from 2007 to 2011, showed that only 3 maternal deaths were related to abortion complications. Most patients experienced a delay in seeking care (63.8%), a transport delay (74.1%), or a delay in receiving adequate care. Similarly, a study in Mexico found that differences in maternal deaths between states with restrictive and permissive abortion laws were not explained by abortion legislation, but by other factors, such as literacy rates among women, maternal healthcare, access to clean water, proper sanitation facilities, fertility rates, and the level of violence against women.” “The study suggests that developing countries do not need to relax abortion laws to reduce maternal mortality rates.”

“Many health workers in Malawi are not skilled in patient-centred counselling. This brings about the risk that vulnerable women and girls will be advised to a certain course of action without fully understanding either what is happening to them, or the potential physical and psychosocial consequences (including the risks of bleeding and infection).” Read more CMDF Statement, Article.

USA – Abortionist’s medical license revoked for shameful conduct

The Alabama State Board of Medical Examiners has suspended the temporary medical license of abortionist Leah Nicole Torres after it found she had lied repeatedly on her permanent medical license application by denying disciplinary action, medical malpractice claims, denied history of mental health conditions, etc. Torres on her twitter account with 26,900 followers, is known for unashamedly and unapologetically stating that she cuts the vocal cords of babies during abortions so that they do not have the opportunity to scream. Torres began working at the West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, in early August 2020, after the retirement of 82-year old abortionist Louis Payne, who left in the wake of an investigation into the death of a woman. Read more

USA – Group of senators asks FDA to classify abortion pill as hazard to public health

20 Republican senators sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), calling on them to remove the abortion pill from the U.S. market, and to classify the pill as an “imminent hazard to the public health” that poses a “significant threat of danger”. The letter notes that President Bill Clinton’s administration rushed the abortion pill through the FDA approval process under political pressure, saying it is “nakedly obvious that the abortion industry and its allies in the media, billionaire philanthropic circles, and special interest groups, have wanted an unregulated and de-medicalized abortion pill since the moment the FDA first approved it in 2000.”

Finally, the letter points out that Mifepristone poses a higher risk of complication than surgical abortion in the beginning of pregnancy, and somewhere between 5% and 7% of women require follow-up surgical abortions. “While we support the FDA’s continued fight to defend the Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy, to monitor dangerous clinical studies, and to shut down illegal websites,” the senators write, “these measures alone fail to protect the thousands of women harmed even by compliant usage of this drug – or the millions of children killed.” In the House, Representative Jody Hice led more than 70 congressmen in sending a similar letter to the FDA. Read more

USA – 100 Black pro-life leaders call out racist legacy of abortion industry

More than 100 Black pro-life leaders urged the Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion chain to denounce its racist founder’s views in a letter. One affiliate of the abortion chain has already done so – in word, though not in deed. The Greater New York branch removed Sanger’s name from its abortion facility in Manhattan and distanced itself from her eugenics beliefs after hundreds of its own employees accused it of “systemic racism.” “Since George Floyd’s tragic death in police custody, Planned Parenthood has openly voiced its support of the Black Lives Matter movement and its commitment to combating racism in all its forms,” the letter states. Yet, the abortion chain has refused to acknowledge “the iniquity that your abortion practices perpetrate against Black lives,” it continues.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, the abortion rate among Black women is almost five times higher than it is among white women. And in New York City, health data indicates that more Black babies are aborted than are born alive annually. While abortions harm families of every race and culture, they disproportionately harm Black families. Read more

UK – New survey shows global increase in opposition to abortion

A new survey by Ipsos MORI, a market research company in London and a member of the British Polling Council and Market Research Society, shows a growing number of people around the world are opposed to abortion. The poll questioned 17,500 people from 25 countries and found a 5% decrease between 2016 and 2020 in the number of people supporting abortion either when the woman decides she wants one or in certain situations like when a woman has been raped. Of the 25 countries, 56% (14) showed a decline in abortion support and just 32% (8) countries showed growing support. Despite the change in attitudes towards abortions, members of parliament around the world have ignored the people. Read more: survey, article

USA – 14 Texas Towns have outlawed abortion

Lubbock may soon be the 15th and largest city in Texas to become a “sanctuary city for the unborn” and outlaw abortion. The proposed ordinance says that “It shall be unlawful for any person to procure or perform, or knowingly aid an abortion of any type and at any stage of pregnancy in the City of Lubbock, Texas,” It also defines abortion as “the act of using or prescribing an instrument, a drug, a medicine, or any other substance, device, or means with the intent to cause the death of an unborn child of a woman known to be pregnant. Read more

USA – New study: first child abortion makes woman more likely to abort future pregnancies

A new longitudinal study that has been published in the Journal of Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology, claims that women who abort their first child, are more likely to abort future pregnancies. The study looked at 7.3 million pregnancy outcomes of Medicaid-eligible women over 13 years of age occurring from 1999-2014 in 17 states which allowed for the use of state taxpayer funds to pay for abortions. According to the authors, low-income women who have abortions are more likely to have subsequent abortions, [and this] would support the body of evidence indicating that abortion is associated with greater reproductive health risks. The authors also wrote. “The hope that easier access to abortion would decrease maternal mortality has been rebutted by evidence to the contrary.” Read more: Study

LIFEalerts – Sexual Exploitation

Sexual Exploitation

Scotland – Scottish Government could make buying sex illegal

Community Safety Minister Ash Denham said prostitution was harming women and a cultural shift was needed so that men who buy sex will change to see it is no longer acceptable.  Government is also looking for ways to support women and help them to exit prostitution, which may be their only real source of income. She said: “Prostitution has wide reaching impacts both on the individuals involved and across Scotland’s communities. “It is sometimes portrayed as glamorous or an easy way to make money, the reality is often very different”.  Behind closed doors and hidden from public view, prostitution can be harmful. Campaigners are hoping the consultation is the first step in Scotland moving towards the criminalisation of sex, as seen in countries such as Sweden, Canada, Iceland and Ireland. Read more

India – Prostitutes in India find better ways to earn amid COVID-19

When India entered its first lockdown to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, hundreds of thousands of prostitutes across the country were cut off from their major source of income.   Some of the higher-class-category prostitutes have been able to earn with the use of phone and internet sex. An NGO was able to organize grants for a few women to set up microbusinesses, such as stores for selling dry fish, onions and potatoes, or tea stalls. The women of DMSC (Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee) have been employed in making masks and sanitizers themselves. “In the coming days, we’re also going to start producing PPE kits. As we increase our production, we are planning to sell all these items in the future,” the DMSC adviser Jana said. Read more

LIFEalerts – Medical Ethics

Medical Ethics

California – A bill to Sterilize Children Awaits Governor’s signature

While California has been in lockdown the state legislature has been passing legislation that creates a fund to pay for children to be sterilized in the name of transgender ideology. A law creating this fund is not only unnecessary and irresponsible use of taxpayer dollars, promoting an agenda at their expense, but it makes it legal and possible for young people to receive treatments that could adversely affect their health for life—treatments many doctors oppose. Dr James Grisolia, a San Diego neurologist and California state director of the American Academy of Medical Ethics expressed his concern for the youth because the legislation states that funds will go to transgender organisations who will partner with medical clinics they choose, and mean that transgender organisations will be in the driver’s seat on the treatment of children. Read more

UK – International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing      

The National Academy of Medicine, of Engineering and of Sciences, The Royal Society and Heritable human genome editing -says “making changes to the genetic material of eggs, sperm, or any cells that lead to their development, including the cells of early embryos, and establishing a pregnancy – raises not only scientific and medical considerations but also a host of ethical, moral, and societal issues. Human embryos whose genomes have been edited should not be used to create a pregnancy until it is established that precise genomic changes can be made reliably and without introducing undesired changes – criteria that have not yet been met. Read more

LIFEalerts – Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

UK – Government urged to sell cocaine and ecstasy in pharmacies

A UK drugs liberalisation campaign group called Transform has recommended that Cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines should be “nationalised” and sold legally in government-run pharmacies to undermine global drug-related crime. In a book the group sets out practical ways to sell the drugs in pharmacies: no over 18’s, health and risk warning labels on the packaging, and specially trained chemists. Sounds like the same failed recommendations proposed by marijuana activists, because none of what they said would happen actually undermined global drug-related crime – it only made the problem worse and marijuana usage among teens increased in states that legalised it compared to states that did not. Fortunately, Home Office spokesperson said that the government remained opposed to legalising cannabis “because it is detrimental to health and mental health”. Read more

South Africa – Marijuana use before surgery can worsen pain during recovery

According to a small recent study, smoking or ingesting it in the hope of managing your pain after surgery might end up doing quite the opposite. Early research suggests that Cannabis is not effective for “, acute pain such as for surgery of a broken leg,” said lead author Dr Ian Holmen, an anaesthesiology resident at the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, in a statement published by the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA). Apart from an increase in acute pain, people who used marijuana before surgery also ended up requiring more anaesthesia during surgery, and used more painkillers during recovery. 

For their study, the research team studied the charts of 118 patients who had undergone surgery at the University of Colorado Hospital to repair a fractured tibia. They found that 30 (25.4%) patients had reported using cannabis prior to surgery. Comparing the two groups they found cannabis users used 58% more painkillers per day while in the hospital compared to non-users. Users also required an additional 12.4 millilitres of anaesthesia during surgery than those who did not use marijuana. The type and method of cannabis use, as well as how frequently it was used, were not known. Read more

LIFEalerts – Euthanasia


Australia – Assisted dying explodes in Victoria

In Victoria, a progress report from the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board, shows that ten times more people than expected have chosen to end their lives in the first full year of 2017. According to the report people seeking euthanasia were aged between 32 and 100, with an average of 71-44% being female, and 55% male. Unbearable pain was not a major factor amongst the reasons for requesting assisted dying. In fact, the word “pain” was only mentioned once, and no percentages were given. The common reasons for euthanasia includes being less able to engage in activities that make life enjoyable, losing control of body functions, and loss of dignity. Such reports show how euthanasia increasingly cultivates a culture where anything goes and people can commit suicide for any reason. Read more

Argentine – Argentine mother seeks to euthanize son who has cerebral palsy

These are two examples of how euthanasia can be used for the wrong reasons. Argentine woman Brinocoli is asking to be allowed to kill her 22- year old son who has cerebral palsy even though he is not dying or terminally ill. She says she’s exhausted and fed up with caring for Adrian. Another parent from Canada murdered his daughter Tracy because she had cerebral palsy, claiming that she was suffering in pain and misery, even though she was known to have been a cheerful, happy girl who lived games, parties, and pets. After killing his daughter, Latimer was given, in essence, a slap on the wrist, and is seen by many as a hero in Canada for ending Tracy’s “suffering”. Many people in society believe life with disability is not worth living. A parent who kills their disabled child is portrayed as a martyr, while one who kills a healthy child is rightly portrayed as a murderer. Read more

Netherlands – Dutch MD Euthanized Dementia Patient Despite Being Told ‘No’

Marinou Arend, a Dutch doctor euthanized a woman with dementia struggling to stay alive. First she drugged her patient’s coffee and then, when the woman awakened and fought against being killed, she had the family hold the patient down while administering the lethal injection. Not only was she exonerated, but she was even praised by the judge. The patient told Arends that she did not want to be euthanized! Not once, not twice, but three times. This is not the first time people are euthanized without their consent. Read more

Netherlands – Dutch doctor minimizes disastrous effect of legalized euthanasia 

Dutch Dr Bert Keizer, who recently wrote in the Dutch Medical Association Journal, does not think this is a disaster. He agrees that euthanasia has become a slippery slope where legalized, but suggests that it should be embraced and viewed as ‘gradual erosion of boundaries’ instead of a slippery slope that leading to disaster. But imagine your spouse is being euthanized because he is disabled and you have no say over it because the doctor says so, or your daughter wants treatment for her depression and the doctor tells her that her only solution is to be euthanized. She eventually considers it because the doctor gives her no hope despite significant and continuous developments in medicine for depression. Both scenarios actually happened in the USA and in the Netherlands. Moreover, nurses in Belgium admitted to euthanizing patients without their consent. Read more: bioedge, NYpost, Christian post UK

Netherlands –  Dutch mental health patient angry at euthanasia offer

A Dutch mental health patient has shared how she was “overwhelmed and angry” when her new psychiatrist offered her euthanasia during their first appointment. Manon, who was seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder, was told she met the criteria to be euthanized. The doctor said Manon had already done “everything humanly possible” to get treatment for her condition, which made Manon feel like she didn’t “deserve” to continue living.  “Yes, I’m broken, but I want to become whole again. I’m asking for help to get better, not for death!”. Read more

USA – Compassion & Choice show their true colors

According to the Public News Service, Californian people of color rarely commit assisted suicide. The new report from the state also found big difference in who actually uses the law. The patients are 87% white, just over 1% are Black. 4% are Hispanic. And 6.4% are Asian American. But the Compassion and Choice (C&C) believing there’s never enough assisted suicides continue to run “public service” advert to increase the number of suicides by people of color. By this statement the C&C shows their true colors for euthanizing ethnic groups. Read more