Doctors for Life International (DFL) is pleased to announce the withdrawal of the proposed Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Draft Amendment Bill, which aimed to decriminalise prostitution. DFL’s diligent efforts and well-received written submissions have played a significant role in this decision by the Deputy Minister of Justice.
DFL’s comprehensive and well-reasoned submissions presented a compelling argument against the decriminalisation of prostitution. It included testimonies from individuals with experience in the industry, both as ex prostitutes and pimps, providing valuable insights into the realities and exploitation within the trade.
Furthermore, DFL incorporated expert evidence from esteemed medical professionals and academics across various disciplines. Their contributions provided a thorough analysis and presented the latest research findings on the inherent harm associated with the prostitution industry. By highlighting the physical, emotional, and psychological consequences experienced by prostitutes and clients, DFL effectively emphasised the importance of maintaining legislation that criminalises prostitution to prevent exploitation and protect individuals.
DFL’s submissions also underscored the broader societal impact of decriminalising prostitution. By referencing comprehensive studies, the organisation highlighted the adverse outcomes that persist regardless of whether prostitution is decriminalised, criminalised, or legalised. Including increased human trafficking, the spread of sexually transmitted infections, and the erosion of social norms. These considerations highlighted the necessity of protecting society as a whole from the effects of such legislation.
This victory demonstrates DFL’s continued commitment to help individuals exit the sex trade and uphold the principles of human dignity. By successfully advocating against the proposed amendment bill, and running an exit program, DFL ensures the continued protection of vulnerable individuals and safeguards society from adverse consequences associated with the decriminalisation of prostitution.