The International Planned Parenthood Federation, the world’s largest abortion promoter has been defeated in its efforts to hijack the millennium development goals, in order to promote legalized abortion throughout the world, and unrestricted access to abortions for adolescents. In spite of tremendous pressure from pro-abortion groups access to abortion as a basic human right was not included in UN summit Outcome Document officially adopted by the General Assembly on the 22nd of September.
Pro-abortion NGO’s had been pushing during the UN September Summit for the adoption of a report produced by Navanethem Pillay, the High Commissioner on Human Rights. The report was described by some as an “extreme” and “ideologically driven” effort, to establish abortion as a “universal human right” for the purposes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Pro-life groups issued a worldwide alert in June, urging pro-life people around the world to oppose the extremely pro-abortion report. They warned that a right to abortion under the guise of reproductive health would be proposed at the United Nations summit in New York in September 2010.
Following the summit John Smeaton, SPUC’s Director said, “May I take this opportunity of thanking all those who took action to defend unborn children and their mothers throughout the world, including our colleagues in other pro-life organizations and courageous delegates from pro-life nations.”
Carmen Barroso, regional director of International Planned Parenthood Western Hemisphere Region, has written to pro-abortion lobbyists saying that the Summit ’s Outcome Document … officially adopted by the General Assembly on the 22nd of September … neglects any reference to safe abortion, comprehensive sexuality education, adolescents … indicating that there is still much work to be done.” [In pro abortion language, this means legalized abortion and unrestricted access to abortion for children from 12 upwards.]
Doctors For Life sees this development as an important stepping stone in the fight for
the right to life of the unborn, as well as a relevant factor contributing to the physical
and psychological wellbeing of the mother.
Doctors For Life International is an association of more than 1800 specialists and
medical doctors. DFL endeavors to promote public health by upholding sound science
in the medical profession, as well as the constitutional right to freedom of conscience
for all healthcare professionals. For more information, please visit]]>