Senator introduces bill to require abortions centers to show moms ultrasound of their baby (Washington DC, USA)

US Senator, Roger Marshall MD (Obstetrician/Gynaecologist), will introduce the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act1 to the Senate on the 10th of March 2022. Among other provisions, the Act would require abortion centres to perform an ultrasound with simultaneous explanation to the mother what the ultrasound is depicting. The heartbeat must be made audible and ultrasound images of the baby be explained in detail including the presence of arms, legs, internal organs etc. A copy of the images is to be provided to the mother. As a condition of receiving Federal funds or assistance, an abortion provider must perform an ultrasound before performing an abortion. Senator Marshall has delivered thousands of babies but “never imagined [he] would be fighting harder in the Senate than [he] did in the ER and delivery room to protect mothers and babies”.

