It is with much appreciation that we send you this 2015 Annual report for the Medical Outreach Program (section I) and the DFL Sihane Clinic and Maternity Ward in Zavora, Mozambique (section II). With your assistance we were able to reach many lives in Southern Africa during this time. We are sincerely thankful to be able to play our small role in this. General medical examinations and internal medicine, dental care, free medication and treatment, pre-and post natal care, vaccinations, optometry and eye care is just some of the basic, yet often life saving services also provided free of charge. The eye surgery program has become a major part of our medical services. We were able to assist many blind people to see again.
These individuals’ lives are changed because of this. From basic things like, cooking, eating, walking, planting, washing to being able to work again, drive, read, teach and once again live productive in their communities. We would therefore like to thank you for partnering with us in the past year to help so many that are needy. With the assistance of Hartman, we were able to use quality medical products to assist the under-previlaged in rural and remote regions.
Johan Claassen Date: 2016-01-20 Mobile: +27 (0) 83 458 2949 Email: [email protected]
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Medical Accomplishments
3 Areas remote and needy areas were reached with the main focus on eye surgery. At the fourth area we focused only on eye glasses.
- Inhambane in Mozambique
- Mauzi, Phalombe in Malawi
- Namandanje, Mbonchera in Malawi
- Sihane, Zavora in Mozambique
During these missions the following accomplishments were made: 162 surgical procedures of which most were cataract surgery on blind people. 3 surgeries to remove eye cancer. 698 patients received prescription eye glasses 212 internal medicine examinations (General practitioner examinations) 1064+ eye examinations. 200+ indirect eye examinations through the surgery in Inhambane We did not received those stats from the government 474 dental Patients 595 Teeth Extractions
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We examined and treated about 21 752 patients at our Zavora clinic during 2015. This is a new record compared to only 18229 during 2014 and 12916 during 2013. Part of the increase is the huge number of malaria cases we saw. The Mozambique government calls it a malaria pandemic. Basically most (except HIV/AIDS) number of conditions increased. 5597 were Malaria cases – (4076 in 2014, 5468 in 2013) 19 HIV cases – (67 in 2014, 68 in 2013) 632 Diarrhoea cases – (523 in 2014, 306 in 2013) 1165 Wound care (669 in 2014) There was also an increase in live births. 241 Babies were delivered compared to 231 in 2014, and 208 in 2013. Over the past few years since the clinic was constructed by SODA. We have passed the “one thousand” mark!