Countries with members0
Patients helped free of charge since 2001 in 7 countries0
Patients helped annually at the Zavora clinic, Mozambique0
Court cases on health related issuesWho we are
Doctors for Life International is a non-profit company that was established in South Africa in 1991. Members include medical practitioners, dentists, and veterinarians worldwide. It is a platform through which medical professionals form a united front to uphold three core principles:
This is achieved by various means including court actions, webinars, participation in news broadcasting and the development of programs such as Aid to Africa, LifeChild, and the 11th Hour Abortion Helpline.
Become a member

Doctors For Life (DFL) membership is available for anyone who upholds the principles and core values of DFL. Membership enables you to remain informed about current medical ethical issues and provides you with an opportunity to make a difference. Unite with us to stand for sound and ethical practice within the medical profession.

We rely on your generosity and support to continue as a leading voice to advocate for the protection of the sanctity of life from fertilisation to natural death and to uphold sound science and Judeo-Christian ethics within the medical profession.
All legal proceedings and programs (e.g. Aid to Africa, LifeChild) are funded by donations. We sincerely thank you for your generosity.